01086nam0-2200313 --450 991017145580332120230612114408.088-7088-057-5IT83-104920170529d1982----kmuy0itay5050 bamulITy 001yyEnglish logic in Italy in the 14th and 15th centuriesacts of the 5th European symposium on medieval logic and semanticsRome, 10-14 November 1980edited by Alfonso MaierĂ¹NapoliBibliopolis1982388 p.22 cmHistory of logic1LogicaSec. 14.-15.Congressi198016019MaierĂ¹,AlfonsoEuropean symposium on medieval logic and semantics<5.; 1980; Roma>740801ITUNINAREICATUNIMARCBK9910171455803321P.1 L 514bibl. 6903FLFBCDFT A40 MAIA 012021/829FLFBCFLFBCEnglish logic in Italy in the 14th and 15th centuries1469395UNINA