03549nam 2200517 450 991016873270332120230721034820.094-91431-46-3(CKB)3710000000119975(EBL)1696015(SSID)ssj0001225084(PQKBManifestationID)12541207(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001225084(PQKBWorkID)11267783(PQKB)10690697(MiAaPQ)EBC1696015(EXLCZ)99371000000011997520081002d2008 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrPaideia at play learning and wit in Apuleius /edited by Werner RiessGroningen :Barkhuis Publishing :Groningen University Library,2008.1 online resource (326 p.)Ancient narrative. Supplementum,1568-3540 ;11"This volume presents a collection of revised versions of papers originally read at the international conference "Apuleius and the second sophistic : an orator at play," which took place at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on March 23-25, 2007"--P. [vii].90-77922-41-5 Includes bibliographical references (pages [263]-280) and indexes.The sophist at play in court : Apuleius' Apology and his literary career / Stephen J. Harrison -- Legal strategy and learned display in Apuleius' Apology / James B. Rives -- Apuleius Socrates Africanus? : Apuleius' defensive play / Werner Reiss -- Homer in Apuleius' Apology / Vincent Hunink -- The "riches" of poverty : literary games with poetry in Apuleius' Luas Paupertatis (Apology 18) / Thomas D. McCreight -- Eloquentia ludens : Apuleius' Apology and the cheerful side of standing trial / Stefan Tilg -- Centaus solis fabulis : a symposiastic reading of Apuleius' novel / Maaike Zimmerman -- A festival of laughter : Lucius, Milo and Isis playing the game of Hospitium / Robert E. Vander Poppen -- Social commentary in the Metamorphoses : Apuleius' play with satire / Elizabeth M. Greene -- Playing with elegy : tales of lovers in books 1 and 2 of Apuleius' Metamorphoses / Amanda G. Mathis -- Vigilans somniabar : some narrative uses of dreams in Apuleius' Metamorphoses / David P.C. Carlisle -- Apuleian Ecphraseis : depiction at play / Niall W. Slater.Paidea, the yearning for, and display of knowledge, reached its' height as a cultural concept in the works of the Second Sophistic, an elite literary and philosophical movement seeking to ape the style and achievements of the 5th and 4th centuries BC. A crucial element in the display of paidea was an ability to mix the witty and playful with the serious and instructive. The Second Sophistic is known as a Greek phenomenon, but these essays ask how the Latin author Apuleius fitted into this framework, and created a distinctively latin expression of paidea, focusing on the elements of playfulnessAncient narrative.Supplementum ;11.Second Sophistic movementEducation, AncientSecond Sophistic movement.Education, Ancient.Riess WernerApuleius and the Second Sophistic: an Orator at Play(2007 :University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill),MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910168732703321Paideia at play2979394UNINA