03096 am 2200817 n 450 9910166656403321201610192-7535-5304-110.4000/books.pur.41732(CKB)3710000001092075(FrMaCLE)OB-pur-41732(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/60715(PPN)202674983(EXLCZ)99371000000109207520170309j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierLes territoires de l’attente Migrations et mobilités dans les Amériques (XIXe-XXIe siècle) /Laurent Vidal, Alain MussetRennes Presses universitaires de Rennes20162-7535-4026-8 Cet ouvrage examine les territoires de l’attente, nés du déplacement de populations qui y ont laissé leur empreinte, et la multiplicité des formes qu’ils revêtent dans les mondes américains. Il tente d’établir leurs dimensions, de comprendre leurs statuts juridiques, leurs articulations avec l’espace environnant, leurs temporalités spécifiques ainsi que la variété des jeux économiques et sociaux qui s’y déploient.MultidisciplinaryimmigrationAmériqueétrangermobilité spatialeémigration et immigrationimmigrationétrangermobilité spatialeAmériqueémigration et immigrationMultidisciplinaryimmigrationAmériqueétrangermobilité spatialeémigration et immigrationÁlvarez Rojas Ana María1363716Ángel Aguilar D Miguel1281634Arrais Raimundo1281635Bergeron Yves1281636Beriet Grégory1281637Bessière Jean387017Campos Medina Luis1281638Chrysostomo Isabel1281639Correa Verónica1281640Da Costa Gomes Paulo Cesar1281641Dewaele Ambre1281642de Jesus Chrysostomo Maria Isabel1281643Frehse Fraya1281644Giordano Mariana1281645Jarak Diego1281646L. Green Nancy1281647Musset Alain903283Poton Didier1281648Ribeiro Leticia Parente1281649Sánchez Estévez Reyna1281650Symington Micéala1281651Vidal Dominique107888Vidal Laurent658035Vidal Laurent658035Musset Alain903283FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910166656403321Les territoires de l’attente3384656UNINA04342nam 2201105z- 450 991055774560332120231214132850.0(CKB)5400000000045886(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/69038(EXLCZ)99540000000004588620202105d2020 |y 0engurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGenetics in RiceBasel, SwitzerlandMDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute20201 electronic resource (188 p.)3-03936-826-5 3-03936-827-3 Rice feeds more than half of the world population. Its small genome size and ease in transformation have made rice the model crop in plant physiology and genetics. Molecular as well as Mendelian, forward as well as reverse genetics collaborate with each other to expand rice genetics. The wild relatives of rice belonging to the genus Oryza are distributed in Asia, Africa, Latin America and Oceania. They are good sources for the study of domestication and adaptation. Rice was the first crop to have its entire genome sequenced. With the help of the reference genome of Nipponbare and the advent of the next generation sequencer, the study of the rice genome has been accelerated. The mining of DNA polymorphism has permitted map-based cloning, QTL (quantitative trait loci) analysis, and the production of many kinds of experimental lines, such as recombinant inbred lines, backcross inbred lines, and chromosomal segment substitution lines. Inter- and intraspecific hybridization among Oryza species has opened the door to various levels of reproductive barriers ranging from prezygotic to postzygotic. This Special Issue contains eleven papers on genetic studies of rice and its relatives utilizing the rich genetic resources and/or rich genome information described above.Research & information: generalbicsscBiology, life sciencesbicsscAfrican riceclimate changegenomic resourcesgenetic potentialgenome sequencingdomesticationtranscriptome and chloroplastanther lengthcell elongationgenetic architectureoutcrossingperennial speciesricereproductive barriersegregation distortionabortionwild riceO. meridionalisO. sativagene duplicationOryza sativahybrid weaknesscell deathreactive oxygen speciesleaf yellowingSPADhypersensitive responsesemidawarf gened60sd1yield componentphenotypinggrowthSeed shatteringO. barthiiHS1haplotyperice (Oryza sativa)evolutionary relationshipschloroplast genomenuclear genomephylogenyrice (Oryza sativa L.)brown planthoppernear-isogenic linespyramided linesresistancevirulenceflowering timephotoperiod sensitivityallelic variationfine-tuningOryzaspeciationdivergencelife historyphylogenetic relationAustralian continentabiotic stresssalinitywhole genome re-sequencingResearch & information: generalBiology, life sciencesIchitani Katsuyukiedt1329484Ishikawa RyujiedtIchitani KatsuyukiothIshikawa RyujiothBOOK9910557745603321Genetics in Rice3039501UNINA