04284 am 22007213u 450 991016665230332120230221124801.00-8223-7684-9(CKB)3710000000108680(EBL)1684537(SSID)ssj0001113730(PQKBManifestationID)11615205(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001113730(PQKBWorkID)11048362(PQKB)11423664(OCoLC)873034956(MiAaPQ)EBC1684537(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/30948(EXLCZ)99371000000010868020140512d2014|||| u|| |engurmn#---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierState of ambiguity civic life and culture in Cuba's first republic /Steven Palmer, José Antonio Piqueras, and Amparo Sánchez , editorsDurham Duke University Press20141 online resource (372 p.)Description based upon print version of record.Print version: 0822356309 Revisiting Cuba's first republic / Steven Palmer, José Antonio Piqueras, and Amparo Sánchez -- A sunken ship, a bronze eagle, and the politics of memory: the "social life" of the USS Maine in Cuba (1898-1961) / Marial Iglesias Utset -- Shifting sands of Cuban science, 1875-1933 / Steven Palmer -- Race, labor, and citizenship in Cuba: a view from the sugar district of Cienfuegos, 1886-1909 / Rebecca J. Scott -- Slaughterhouses and milk consumption in the "sick republic": socio-environmental change and sanitary technology in Havana, 1890-1925 / Reinaldo Funes Monzote -- Attributes for the capital of an austere republic / José Antonio Piqueras Arenas -- Transcending borders: ¡tierra! and the expansion of anarchism in Cuba after independence / Amparo Sánchez -- Steeds, cocks, and guayaberas: the social impact of agrarian reorganization in the republic / Imilcy Balboa Navarro -- District 25: rotary clubs and regional civic power in Cuba, 1916-1940 / Maikel Fariñas Borrego -- El naciente público oyente: towards a genealogy of the audience in early republican Cuba / Alejandra Bronfman -- New knowledge for new times: the sociedad del folklore Cubano during the "critical decade" (1923-1930) / Ricardo Quiza Moreno -- Nation, state, and the making of the Cuban working class, 1920-1940 / Robert Whitney.Cuba's first republican era (1902-1959) is principally understood in terms of its failures and discontinuities, typically depicted as an illegitimate period in the nation's history, its first three decades and the overthrow of Machado at best a prologue to the ""real"" revolution of 1959. State of Ambiguity brings together scholars from North America, Cuba, and Spain to challenge this narrative, presenting republican Cuba instead as a time of meaningful engagement-socially, politically, and symbolically. Addressing a wide range of topics-civic clubs and folkloric societies, scienceCuba -- History -- 19th centuryCuba -- History -- 20th centuryCuba -- Politics and government -- 19th centuryCuba -- Politics and government -- 20th centuryRegions & Countries - AmericasHILCCHistory & ArchaeologyHILCCLatin AmericaHILCCHistoryAnarchismCubaHavanaUnited StatesCuba -- History -- 19th century.Cuba -- History -- 20th century.Cuba -- Politics and government -- 19th century.Cuba -- Politics and government -- 20th century.Regions & Countries - AmericasHistory & ArchaeologyLatin America972.9105Palmer Steven857785Piqueras José Antonio857786Sánchez Cobos Amparo Sánchez857787AU-PeELAU-PeELAU-PeELUkMaJRUBOOK9910166652303321State of ambiguity1915302UNINA