01071ojm 2200241z- 450 991016513410332120230913112557.00-06-265702-X(CKB)3710000001065168(BIP)055750027(EXLCZ)99371000000106516820231107c2017uuuu -u- -engLittle Town on the PrairieHarperCollinsThe little settlement that weathered the long, hard winter of 1880 81 is now a growing town. Laura is growing up, and she goes to her first evening social. Mary is at last able to go to a college for the blind. Best of all, Almanzo Wilder asks permission to walk home from church with Laura. And Laura, now fifteen years old, receives her certificate to teach school.Correlates to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts"813.52Wilder Laura Ingalls1867-1957613045Jones CherryothAUDIO9910165134103321Little town on the prairie1142205UNINA