07766nam 22005053 450 991016425420332120230725020313.097819086924051908692405(CKB)3810000000101142(MiAaPQ)EBC4807907(Au-PeEL)EBL4807907(CaPaEBR)ebr11348539(OCoLC)974583107(BIP)059098972(Exl-AI)4807907(EXLCZ)99381000000010114220210901d2011 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe Imperial Guard of Napoleon - from Marengo to WaterlooSan Francisco :Wagram Press,2011.©2011.1 online resource (128 pages)Intro -- Chapter I -- The Origin of the Imperial Guard- Plan on which it was First Constituted- The Consular Guard of Napoleon- Its Baptism of Blood at Marengo- The Moral Character of the Old Guard. -- Chapter II -- Marengo- The bloody baptism of the Consular Guard- Its firmness- Bonaparte's eulogium upon it after the battle- Lannes made commander- Changes introduced- Anecdote of Lannes and Napoleon- Napoleon's attack on long queues and long hair- Shearing of the Guard- Anger of the officers and generals- Distribution of the Legion of Honor- Description of the Mamelukes of the Guard. -- Chapter III -- Recommencement of the War- The Camp at Boulogne- The Old Guard at Austerlitz- Meeting of the Imperial Guards of the Czar and Napoleon- The Guard at Jena- The Velites- Young Desherbiers- Habits of Napoleon in Campaign- His Body Guard- Presentation of the Eagle to a New Regiment. -- Chapter IV -- Creation of a regiment of Polish Lancers- The Old Guard at Eylau- Campaign of 1807- Treaty of Tilsit- The interview of Napoleon with Alexander- His influence over him- The Old Guard in Spain- Miraculous despatch of Napoleon when he heard of the confederacy in Germany against him- His rapid ride. -- Chapter V - The Young Guard -- Organization of the Young Guard- Campaign of 1809- Extraordinary exertions of Napoleon- His rapid successes- Bombarding of Vienna, and first courtship of Maria Louisa- Disgrace of a surgeon- The Old Guard at Aspern- Its last charge- Incident showing how Napoleon punished the least neglect of his Guard- The Guard at Wagram- Sublime Spectacle- Its artillery heads Macdonald's charge- Difficulty of appreciating the conduct of the Guard. -- Chapter VI - 1810.Marriage of Napoleon to Marie Louise- Augmentation of the Old Guard- Grand review of the Old Guard at Paris- Touching incident- The brave drummer and General Gros- Napoleon's treatment of them- Secret of Napoleon's influence over his troops, was in the affection he inspired- His prodigious memory- Conversation with the Russian Chamberlain. -- Chapter VII - 1811 -- Increase of the Guard- Birth of the king of Rome- The excitement and joy of the Parisians at the recent creation of the pupils of the Guard- Their review in presence of the Old Guard- Napoleon's address to both- Anecdote of one of the pupils- The pupils in service of the young king of Rome. -- Chapter VIII - 1812 - The Guard in Russia -- Sublime spectacle of the army of invasion- The Old Guard at Borodino- Gallant Charge and death of Caulaincourt- Strange conduct of Napoleon- The Old Guard at the Kremlin- Anecdote illustrating its honesty- It saves the chest of the Army in Russia. -- Chapter IX - 1812 - The Old Guard in Russia: The Retreat -- Narrow escape of Napoleon- Disorder of the army on arriving at Smolensko- Firmness of the Old Guard- The famine in the city- Gloomy departure- The Guard passing a Russian battery- The Old Guard at Krasnoi- The fall of Minsk, and gloom of Napoleon- His appeal to the Old Guard- His joy at Ney's safety- The Old Guard at Beresina- Its frozen bivouacs- Anecdote of an officer- Departure of Napoleon for Paris, and the breaking up of the Guard- Last dreadful days. -- Chapter X - 1813 -- Reorganization of the Army- Death of Bessieres- The Old Guard in Lutzen- Its Last Charge- Drouot.his Character- Death of Duroc- Mournful Scene around the Tent of Napoleon- The Guard in Bohemia- Its Astonishing March to Dresden- Its Bravery- Napoleon in its Squares on the Battle-field- Tableau- The Old Guard at Leipzic- The Retreat- Battle of Hanau- It is won by the Guard- It leaves forever the Scene of its Achievements. -- Chapter XI - 1814 - Campaign of the Guard -- Napoleon with Europe against him- Care of his Guard- The Guard at Rothiere- Captain Hauillet- Terrible cross march to attack Blucher- Victory of Champs d'Aubert- The Old Guard at Montmirail- Its victory- Its protracted marches and battles- Overthrow of Blucher- Return of the Guard to the help of Victor and Oudinot- Its last battles and marches- Desertion of Napoleon by his friends at his abdication- Faithfulness of the Guard- The parting scene at Fontainbleau- The Guard by the side of its foes- -- Chapter XII - 1815 - The Old Guard Under the Restoration -- Its bearing towards its foes- Its anger at losing its colors- The Old Guard at Elba- Napoleon's habits- Anecdotes illustrating the discontent of the troops in their exile- Their return to France and march to Paris- Reception of the Guard- Last charge at Waterloo. -- Chapter XIII - The Guard After the Battle of Waterloo -- Its rage at the surrender of Paris- Is disbanded- Part come to America- Champ d'Asile in Texas- Last of the Guards- Tomb of Napoleon. -- Chapter XIV -- Review of the dead- The office of the French Revolution-Who is responsible for the wars that desolated Europe for so many years-Bonaparte's policy as general-As First Consul- His offers of peace rejected- England violates the treaty of Amiens- Napoleon's relation to the free States he had organized- Austria violates the treaty of Presbourg- Invasion of Russia- Treachery of Austria and Prussia- Fall of Napoleon- Campaign of Waterloo.J. T. Headley was born at the very end of the convulsive period of the French revolution and Napoleonic Wars that followed, and wrote a number of volumes on the French army and its leadership of the period. This volume is a short and pithy, none the less entertaining, account of the structure, growth and battles of the famed Garde Impériale of Napoleon.Starting with the formation of the Guard from the early days in its form as the Consular Guard and their baptism of fire at Marengo. In the words of Napoleon -It was Granite Column:(Words of the First Consul in his report on the battle of Marengo to the government, 27 Prairial year VII.)Headley charts the growth of a corps of a few thousand men to an army within an army from 1812 onward until their final heroic stand at Waterloo to their disbandment by the Bourbon monarchy. Leaders such as Bessières and Drouot are picked out in detail, and famous events are described with panache.The volume leans heavily on Emile Marco St-Hilaire's Histoire anecdotique, politique et militaire de la Garde impériale Paris, Penaud, 1845-47, but is none the worst for it.A jaunty read.Author - Joel Tyler Headley (30/12/1813 - 30/12/1897)Napoleonic Wars, 1800-1815Generated by AIValeur Militaire (France)Generated by AINapoleonic Wars, 1800-1815.Valeur Militaire (France)940.27Headley Joel Tyler811026Publishing Pickle Partners1077764MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910164254203321The Imperial Guard of Napoleon - from Marengo to Waterloo3400137UNINA