03391oam 2200469I 450 991016394470332120230814232433.00-429-97518-X0-429-96410-20-367-09824-50-429-49555-2(CKB)3710000000964903(MiAaPQ)EBC5394321(MiAaPQ)EBC4786018(OCoLC)966365371(EXLCZ)99371000000096490320180611h20182017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierWomen's movements in the global era the power of local feminisms /by Amrita BasuSecond edition.Boca Raton, FL :Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis,[2018].©2017.1 online resource (xviii, 541 pages)0-8133-5012-3 0-8133-5063-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.chapter Introduction /AMRI TA BASU --part AFRICA --chapter 1 Women’s Movements in Africa /AILI MARI TRIPP --chapter 2 A History of Feminist Moments: The South African Women’s Movement, 1950–2014 /ELAINE SALO --part ASIA --chapter 3 Pakistan’s Women’s Movement: Protests, Programming, and Revitalization /FA RIDA SHAHEED --chapter 4 The Indian Women’s Movement Today: The Challenges of Addressing Gender-based Violence /POULOMI PA L --chapter 5 Feminist Struggles in a Changing China WA N G ZHENG --part EUROPE AND THE UNITED STATES --chapter 6 Varieties of European Women’s Movements /SILKE ROTH --chapter 7 Russian Women’s Activism: Grassroots Persistence in the Face of Challenges /LISA MCINTOSH SUNDSTROM --chapter 8 Women’s and Feminist Movements in the United States: The Contradictory Effects of Class-based Success /BENI TA ROTH --part LATIN AMERICA --chapter 9 Seeking Rights from the Left: Gender and Sexuality in Latin America /ELISABETH J AY FRIEDMAN --chapter 10 State Feminism and Women’s Movements in Brazil: Achievements, Shortcomings, and Challenges ANA ALICE ALCAN TA R A COS TA /CECILIA M. B. SARDENBERG AND --part THE MIDDLE EAST --chapter 11 Feminist Movements in the Maghreb /VA LENTINE M. MOGHADAM --chapter 12 The Palestinian Women’s Movement /ISLAH JAD --chapter 13 The Women’s Movement and Feminism in Iran: Revisiting a “Glocal” Perspective N AY EREH TOHIDI.This book provides a path-breaking study of the genesis, growth, gains, and dilemmas of women's movements in countries throughout the world. Its focus is on the global South, where women's movements have engaged in complex negotiations with national and international forces. It challenges widely held assumptions about the Western origins and character of local feminisms. The authors locate women's movements within the terrain from which they emerged by exploring their relationships with the state, civil society, and other social movements.FeminismHistory21st centuryFeminismHistory305.4209Basu Amrita1953-848063FlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910163944703321Women's movements in the global era2571088UNINA