04037 am 2200781 n 450 9910214936703321201702022-86906-471-310.4000/books.pufr.4562(CKB)3710000001633344(FrMaCLE)OB-pufr-4562(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/62335(PPN)202672662(EXLCZ)99371000000163334420170601j|||||||| ||| 0enguu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierTowns and Town Life in Scotland /Rosie Findlay, Tri Tran, William FindlayTours Presses universitaires François-Rabelais20171 online resource (328 p.) 2-86906-218-4 In the modem western world urbanisation has often been both the companion and corollary of industrialization and no more so than in Britain. Here the population changed dramatically during the long nineteenth century, transforming parts of England and Scotland into some of the most industrial and urban societies in the world. Scottish society was particularly affected by this process. The growth of towns or cities, and the radical overhaul of the balance of population between the rural and urban worlds that this implies, is one of the most sensitive indicators of the emergence of a modem industrial state. Nor surprisingly then, Scottish towns are seen as central to any understanding of modern Scotland. For some they have an identity all of their own which distinguishes them from towns in other parts of the United Kingdom. Indeed it is to these same towns that political scientists have turned to explain why the Scots have never lost their sense of national identity, despite Scotland’s “stateless nation” status since 1707. This GRAAT conference brought together contributions from a wide range approaches to the Scottish urban experience: from history to literature, architecture and the fine arts. They focus on three main perspectives. Firstly we have images of the city and an exploration of how these became part of the Scottish mind-set. A second perspective concentrated on the Scottish city during the nineteenth century. Finally, there is the twentieth and twenty-first century “revival” with its distinctive avenues of development. All in all, a recognition of the fascination which the distinctiveness of urban life has exerted over the Scottish people as much as a tribute to the renewed dynamism of Scottish studies in France.Urban StudiesÉcosseurbanisationpolitique de la villeScotlandpoliticscitytownEcossevilleurbanisationpolitique de la villeUrban StudiesÉcosseurbanisationpolitique de la villeScotlandpoliticscitytownAmblard Marion1281508Auer Christian1281509Berberi Carine1281510Berton Jean1281511Brillet Philippe272971Camp Edwige1281512Charriere Daniele Berton1281513Civardi Christian1234544Findlay Rosie1281514Findlay William460650Hayes Win1281515Leydier Gilles1083821Moine Fabienne1104541Sellin Bernard1281516Tran Tri1281517Findlay Rosie1281514Tran Tri1281517Findlay William460650FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910214936703321Towns and Town Life in Scotland3018536UNINA07159nam 2200769 450 991016301740332120230803213211.03-86859-887-110.1515/9783868598872(CKB)3710000000401533(EBL)2009663(MiAaPQ)EBC2009663(MiAaPQ)EBC6013644(DE-B1597)531362(DE-B1597)9783868598872(MiAaPQ)EBC6661547(Au-PeEL)EBL6661547(OCoLC)1058298189(MiAaPQ)EBC30346541(Au-PeEL)EBL30346541(EXLCZ)99371000000040153320201013d2014 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierHandmade urbanism from community initiatives to participatory models : Mumbai, São Paulo, Istanbul, Mexico City, Cape Town /organized/edited by Marcos L. Rosa, Ute E. Weiland ; with Ana Álvarez [and three others]1st ed.Berlin :Jovis,[2014]©20141 online resource (231 p.)Includes index.3-86859-225-3 Cover; Title; Acknowledgements; Index; Introduction; Introductory Interview Returning to the Roots; Initial Thoughts Make the Invisible Visible; Foreword The Community: Richard Sennett; Editorial An Urban Trend: Residents Taking Ownership of their Environment; Five Cities; Introduction to Five Cities; Mumbai; Mumbai Waterfronts Center; Triratna Prerana Mandal; Urban Design Research Institute; Dreams, Dignity, and Changing Realities: The Story of a Community Toilet; Network, Intermediate, Integrate: Reaching out to the Grassroots; Elastic Urbanism: Sustainability and Informality in the CityMaking Voices Heard: Art and ActivismDemocratizing Public Space; São Paulo; Union Building; ACAIA Institute; Biourban; Workshops as a Communication Facilitator: Understanding Community Needs; Preexistence in Socially Vulnerable Areas; Scaling Up Micro Actions; ""How to Live Together""; The Challenge of Derelict and Residual Spaces. Is Anyone Thinking on the Local Level?; Istanbul; Music for Peace; Nurtepe First Step Cooperative; Children of Hope-Youth House; Presence and Vision of a Grass Roots Initiative; New Planning Approaches for Building Up Cities; Action and Participation in PlanningCurating Artists and Cultural PracticesAdvocating Sustainable and Participatory Models; Mexico City; Miravalle Community Council; Cultural Center Consejo Agrarista; Recovering Spaces for Life; Weaving Efforts: Working for the Common Good; Reality Surpasses Us: We Need to Be More Flexible and Porous; Unfolding New Professional Profiles for Bottom-up Urban Planning; Cultural Acupuncture over the City; Braiding the Physical and the Social: A New Social Contract for the City; Cape Town; Mothers Unite; Rocklands Urban Abundance Center; Thrive; Incidental Urban AcupunctureBreaking it Down to Build it UpReimagining the City from a Different Viewpoint; Lighting the Fire within Us; Going Local: The Lavender Hill Area; Common Points; Four Interviews: Five Cities, One Gaze; The Significance of Space in Urban Society; Reporting from Local Initiatives; Cities are an Expression of Human Needs; Focus on Results: Attention to Real Needs; Project Categories, Programs and Common Clouds; Final Considerations; Credits; Imprint; Back CoverMenschen interessieren sich für die Städte, in denen sie leben. Mit der weltweit zunehmenden Verstädterung wächst auch das Engagement der Bürger für „ihre“ Stadt. Fernab von traditioneller Stadtplanung nutzen sie ihre eingeschränkten Ressourcen und finden Lösungsansätze für die Herausforderungen in ihrem unmittelbaren Umfeld. Auf diese Weise schaffen sie soziale Infrastrukturen, die die Lebensbedingungen der Bewohner nachhaltig verbessern. Handmade Urbanism präsentiert 15 beispielhafte Projekte aus eher strukturschwachen Stadtvierteln in fünf Schwellenländern und untersucht dabei, welches Potenzial diese in Eigeninitiative entwickelten Projekte für den gesamtstädtischen Transformationsprozess haben. Wie sehen solche Initiativen „an der Basis“ aus, welcher Instrumente und Werkzeuge bedienen sie sich? Funktionsweise und Organisationsprozess der Projekte aus insgesamt fünf Metropolen werden anschaulich mittels Illustrationen dargestellt. Interviews mit Experten, Akteuren und Interessensvertretern beleuchten deren Bedeutung für die jeweiligen lokalen Herausforderungen. Im weltweiten Vergleich werden Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten deutlich und nicht zuletzt übergreifende Lösungsansätze offenbar. Handmade Urbanism schildert, wie ein zeitgemäßes urbanes Leitbild aussehen könnte, das partizipative Initiativen fördert und deren Potenziale zugleich für den gesamtstädtischen Kontext – zum Vorteil aller – nutzt.People have always been interested in the cities in which they live. With the world‘s stark urbanization, the engagement of citizens to improve their urban environments is also growing. Far from the traditional urban planning culture, they make use of limited resources, offering solutions to face the challenges these cities offer. They focus on the provision of social infrastructure aiming to improve the living conditions of the residents at the local scale. Handmade Urbanism showcases 15 projects realized mostly in less favored areas of five major cities in emerging countries, examining the potential of urban transformation embedded in community initiatives. What is the basis for such initiatives? Which are the instruments and tools they use? Illustrations depict their operational modes, reveal the actors involved and trace the steps they made in the organization of the initiatives. Interviews with experts, actors and different stakeholders clarify their meaning towards the local challenges. At a global level, common threads and differences are made clear. Handmade Urbanism drafts a possible urban vision of the city impacted by those processes and organizes a discussion that promotes participatory initiatives while exploring their potential to impact on the city at large – to the benefit of all.UrbanizationDeveloping countriesCase studiesBombay.Bürgerbeteiligung.Infrastruktur.Istanbul.Kapstadt.Lebensbedingungen, Metropolen.Mexiko (Stadt).Nachhaltigkeit.Partizipation.Schwellenländer.Soziale Bewegung.Stadtplanung.São Paulo.Verstädterung.Urbanization307.1216091724Rosa Marcos L.Weiland Ute E.Alvarez AnaMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910163017403321Handmade urbanism2264960UNINA