02044nam 22003613 450 991015892360332120230807213154.01-925341-96-8(CKB)3710000001011574(MiAaPQ)EBC5573885(Au-PeEL)EBL5573885(CaPaEBR)ebr11632671(OCoLC)1063929837(EXLCZ)99371000000101157420210901d2015 uy 0engurcnu||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierAttaining Ultimate Results from your Loyalty ClubChicago :Vivid Publishing,2015.©2015.1 online resource (48 pages)Intro -- Title Page -- Copyright Page -- Table of Contents -- About the Author -- 1: Introduction -- 2: Starting your Loyalty Club -- 2.1 Interview Questionnaire -- 2.2 Putting the Service-Profit Chain to Work -- 3: Disrupt your business before a competitor does! -- 4: How to Determine the Correct Loyalty Benefits to Use in your Loyalty Club and Retain and Activate your Members -- 4.1 Defining Certain Tier Benefits -- 4.2 Tier Benefits -- 4.3 Tier Benefits Segmented Per Tier Level -- 5: Strategies behind Tiers to Drive Revenue, Visitation and Growth in your Loyalty Club -- 6: Loyalty Gaming Promotions and Events -- 6.1 ROI Post-Analysis Form -- 6.2 Loyalty Gaming Kiosks -- 6.3 Kiosk Promotion Swipe and Win -- 7: The Power of Direct Mail and Gaming Vouchers -- 7.1 Events and Promotion Campaigns -- 8: Analysing your Loyalty Club -- 8.1 Tracking your members -- 8.2 Determining the Demographics of Members -- 8.3 Determining the Gaming Product Split. -- 9: Life Cycle of Members -- 9.1 The 5C Model -- Bibliography -- Connect with the Author.Taylor Trevor247543MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910158923603321Attaining Ultimate Results from your Loyalty Club3410886UNINA02992oam 2200637 450 991071465030332120220401121920.036-988(CKB)4100000011134179(OCoLC)1140221936(EXLCZ)99410000001113417920200211d2020 ua 0engurmn|||||||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierCombating illicit financing by anonymous shell companies through the collection of beneficial ownership information hearing before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, first session, on examining how requiring beneficial ownership information collection at the time of company formation can provide law enforcement with key details about the actual owners of legal economic entities, and to evaluate what steps the U.S. should take to modernize its beneficial ownership policy regime and strengthen its enforcement, May 21, 2019Washington :U.S. Government Publishing Office,2020.1 online resource (iv, 109 pages) color illustrationsS. hrg. ;116-36Access ID (govinfo): CHRG-116shrg36988.Includes bibliographical references.Combating Illicit Financing by Anonymous Shell Companies through the Collection of Beneficial Ownership InformationBeneficial ownershipGovernment policyUnited StatesShell companiesGovernment policyUnited StatesCorporationsFinanceCorrupt practicesUnited StatesPreventionBanks and bankingGovernment policyUnited StatesMoney launderingUnited StatesPreventionTerrorismUnited StatesFinancePreventionBanks and bankingGovernment policyfastMoney launderingPreventionfastTerrorismFinancePreventionfastUnited StatesfastLegislative hearings.fastRules.fastLegislative hearings.lcgftBeneficial ownershipGovernment policyShell companiesGovernment policyCorporationsFinanceCorrupt practicesPrevention.Banks and bankingGovernment policyMoney launderingPrevention.TerrorismFinancePrevention.Banks and bankingGovernment policy.Money launderingPrevention.TerrorismFinancePrevention.GPOGPOOCLCFGPOOCLCQGPOBOOK9910714650303321Combating illicit financing by anonymous shell companies through the collection of beneficial ownership information3529845UNINA03188nam 22005295 450 991016296420332120190907101357.03-11-047411-53-11-047441-710.1515/9783110474411(CKB)3710000001006751(MiAaPQ)EBC4793939(DE-B1597)463828(OCoLC)979586004(DE-B1597)9783110474411(EXLCZ)99371000000100675120190907d2016 fg gerurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierArs - Visus - Affectus Visuelle Kulturen des Affektiven in der Frühen Neuzeit /Isabella Augart, Anna Pawlak, Lars ZiekeBerlin ;Boston : De Gruyter, [2016]©20161 online resource (292 pages) illustrations3-11-047404-2 Includes bibliographical references.Frontmatter -- Inhaltsverzeichnis -- Vorwort -- Aby Warburgs Nymphen und Schmetterlinge als Affekte / Baert, Barbara -- Rembrandts Denkräume / Grohé, Stefan -- Tristia Cum Gemitu Cristi Spectacula / Wenderholm, Iris -- Heilige in »Nahdistanz« / Wetzler, Dörte -- Stillstellung - Verinnerlichung - Kontemplation / Zieke, Lars -- Affekt als Raum / Augart, Isabella -- Rhetoriken der Empfindsamkeit / Imorde, Joseph -- Affekt, Devotion, Prestige / Plackinger, Andreas -- Imago et Figura Mortis / Pawlak, Anna -- Mit Herz und ohne Vernunft / Saß, Maurice -- Formen pathognomischen Experimentierens in Leonardo da Vincis Zeichnungen / Cazzola-Senkpiel, Fabiana -- Keine Miene zum bösen Spiel? / Wittke, Marius A. T. -- Affectus Exprimit / Albl, Stefan -- Charles Le Bruns Expression des passions und die Têtes d'expression im Kontext physiologischer Betrachtungen / Weissert, Caecilie -- Abbildungsnachweis -- FarbtafelnDer Tagungsband fokussiert aus historischer Perspektive Fragen nach Status, Funktion und Bedeutung von Visualisierungen des Affektiven in der Kunst der Frühen Neuzeit im Kontext ihrer medialen Bedingungen und kulturellen Voraussetzungen. Medienübergreifend gehen die gesammelten Beiträge dem komplexen Wechselverhältnis zwischen der Sichtbarmachung der Affekte in Bildern und deren gezielter Evokation durch Bilder nach. Verankert in aktuellen bildwissenschaftlichen, rezeptionsästhetischen und diskursanalytischen Debatten, versuchen die einzelnen Werkanalysen einen kunsthistorischen Beitrag zur interdisziplinären Erforschung frühneuzeitlicher Affektkulturen zu leisten.Emotions in artAffect (Psychology)Art, ModernThemes, motivesEmotions in art.Affect (Psychology)Art, ModernThemes, motives.701/.15701.15Augart Isabella, Pawlak Anna, Zieke Lars, DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910162964203321Ars - Visus - Affectus2788363UNINA