04446oam 22011174 450 991016292480332120230810001936.01-4755-6493-71-4755-6500-3(CKB)3710000001045056(MiAaPQ)EBC4800295(IMF)1FINEA2017004(EXLCZ)99371000000104505620020129d2017 uf 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierFinland : Financial Sector Assessment Program: Technical Note-Stress Testing the Banking System and Interconnectedness AnalysisWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2017.1 online resource (86 pages) illustrations (some color), graphs, tablesIMF Staff Country Reports1-4755-6492-9 Includes bibliographical references.This Technical Note discusses the results of stress testing of Finland’s banking system. Despite high capitalization levels, there are important vulnerabilities in the Finnish banking system. Near-term risks are largely tilted to the downside, stemming from both external and domestic sources. A sharper-than-expected global growth slowdown would be a drag on Finland’s export and GDP growth. Although so far high compared with the rest of the euro area banks, Finnish banks’ profitability is facing challenges from the low interest rate environment and the low economic growth. Vulnerabilities include funding risks, contagion risks, and challenges related to long-term profitability.IMF Staff Country Reports; Country Report ;No. 2017/006Banks and bankingBanks and bankingFinlandBanks and BankingimfFinance: GeneralimfMoney and Monetary PolicyimfBanksimfDepository InstitutionsimfMicro Finance InstitutionsimfMortgagesimfFinancial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and RegulationimfFinancing PolicyimfFinancial Risk and Risk ManagementimfCapital and Ownership StructureimfValue of FirmsimfGoodwillimfMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralimfBankingimfFinanceimfFinancial services law & regulationimfMonetary economicsimfStress testingimfCommercial banksimfCredit riskimfLiquidity stress testingimfFinancial sector policy and analysisimfFinancial institutionsimfFinancial regulation and supervisionimfCreditimfMoneyimfBanks and bankingimfFinancial risk managementimfFinlandimfBanks and banking.Banks and bankingBanks and BankingFinance: GeneralMoney and Monetary PolicyBanksDepository InstitutionsMicro Finance InstitutionsMortgagesFinancial Institutions and Services: Government Policy and RegulationFinancing PolicyFinancial Risk and Risk ManagementCapital and Ownership StructureValue of FirmsGoodwillMonetary Policy, Central Banking, and the Supply of Money and Credit: GeneralBankingFinanceFinancial services law & regulationMonetary economicsStress testingCommercial banksCredit riskLiquidity stress testingFinancial sector policy and analysisFinancial institutionsFinancial regulation and supervisionCreditMoneyBanks and bankingFinancial risk management332.1DcWaIMFBOOK9910162924803321FINLAND520698UNINA