01113oam 2200289z- 450 991016277020332120170925011536.01-908057-98-X(CKB)3710000000892566(BIP)056188268(VLeBooks)9781907494666(EXLCZ)99371000000089256620161219c2016uuuu -u- -engAn tearmannDún LaoghaireCois Life1 online resource (185 p.) 1-907494-66-9 Eoin Ó Síocháin, a young human rights activist from County Clare, travels to Brazil to research the violent conflict between a native tribe and local landowners. As he gets to know the locals, he begins to understand that the story is not as simple as he thought - but by that time, it's too late. Against his wishes, Eoin will have a key part to play when the conflict comes to a head.FictionBrazil891.6235Hijmans Alex1240564BOOK9910162770203321An tearmann2892244UNINA