01610oam 2200301z- 450 991016027740332120230913112557.01-4926-3049-7(CKB)3710000001025922(BIP)053523353(EXLCZ)99371000000102592220220209c2017uuuu -u- -engThe Simple Truths of ServiceSimple Truths1 online resource (80 p.) 1-4926-3048-9 From the New York Times Bestselling author of The One Minute ManagerYour competitive edge in today's business environment is all about the power of loyalty. So if you want to succeed, it's time to think outside the box of traditional customer service.The Simple Truths of Service is an inspiring true story about Johnny, a very special young man whose creative choices will spark the way your company approaches their clients. By putting his own personal mark on each customer interaction, Johnny makes it clear that the bottom line of service is to lead with the heart.His story, along with many others, provide a tool kit for the success of your company. After reading this book, your service team will be bursting with new ways to stand out from the crowd and really make a difference.Simple Truths of ServiceCustomer servicesConsumer satisfactionBusiness & economicsBlanchard Ken1939-107069Glanz BarbaraBOOK9910160277403321The Simple Truths of Service3592877UNINA