03232oam 2200385z- 450 991015896430332120160709085045.01-4133-2338-3(CKB)3710000001018822(VLeBooks)9781413323382(EXLCZ)99371000000101882220200308c2017uuuu -u- -engur|||||||||||Living wills & powers of attorney for CaliforniaFifth Edition.NOLO1 online resource (1 p.)1-4133-2337-5 Planning ahead : an overview -- Why you should plan for incapacity -- Using medical directives -- Using a durable power of attorney for finances -- The mental capacity requirement -- Will you need a lawyer? -- If a loved one needs help -- Other important issues to consider -- Advance health care directives -- How advance directives work -- About your health care agent -- Preparing your advance directive -- What to do after you complete your advance directive -- Revoking an advance directive -- Do not resuscitate (DNR) orders and polst forms -- How DNR orders work -- Preparing a DNR order -- What to do after you complete a DNR order -- Revoking a DNR order -- About POLST forms -- Durable powers of attorney for finances -- How durable powers of attorney for finances work -- About your agent for finances -- Preparing your durable power of attorney -- Making your durable power of attorney legal -- Revoking a durable power of attorney for finances -- Help beyond the book -- Legal document assistants -- Lawyers -- Getting more information on your own. Don't let a medical crisis undermine your wishes No one likes to think about it, but serious accidents and illnesses happen every day. With only a few simple legal forms, you can put important medical and financial decisions in the hands of those you trust the most-while sparing your loved ones expensive, time-consuming, and public court actions. Using easy-to-follow instructions, this book shows you how to plan for the future by preparing these official California documents: An Advance Health Care Directive , also called a "living will." It lets you state your wishes for health care if you become incapacitated and name a trusted person who will work with health care providers to be sure you get the kind of care you want. A Durable Power of Attorney for Finances to appoint the person of your choice to manage your finances for you if you no longer can. This book also explains Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) forms, which alert emergency medical personnel not to administer extreme life-saving measures, and POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment) forms.Advance directives (Medical care)Do-not-resuscitate ordersPower of attorneyRight to dieAdvance directives (Medical care)Do-not-resuscitate ordersPower of attorneyRight to die346.73029Irving Shae1249747BOOK9910158964303321Living wills & powers of attorney for California2896000UNINA