02156oam 2200469 450 991015865170332120190911103516.01-5081-7273-0(OCoLC)967983876(MiFhGG)GVRL08BA(EXLCZ)99371000000100996820160706h20172017 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrier20 great career-building activities using Instagram and Snapchat /Eduardo LopezFirst edition.New York :Rosen Publishing,2017.�20171 online resource (64 pages) color illustrationsSocial media career-building1-5081-7272-2 Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction -- How visual content became king -- Getting started on Instagram -- Creating a content plan -- Getting started on Snapchat -- Creating a plan for your Snapchat content -- Building your portfolio -- Glossary -- For more information -- For further reading -- Bibliography -- Index.To prepare students for success in writing, creating content, and marketing, this guide walks the reader through both of these the image-based platforms Snapchat and Instagram, comparing their advantages and drawbacks. The twenty activities included give students concrete skills to develop as they consider their audience, map out plans for the content they plan to post, and learn how to use social media to attract the notice of colleges and employers.Social media career building.Business networksEmployment portfoliosCareer developmentBusiness networks.Employment portfolios.Career development.650.1/3Lopez Eduardo1989-1249110MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK991015865170332120 great career-building activities using Instagram and Snapchat2894808UNINA