01971oam 2200433 450 991015861980332120190911103515.01-5026-2368-4(OCoLC)962853181(MiFhGG)GVRL05AL(EXLCZ)99371000000101021220160829h20172017 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGeography, government, and conflict across the Middle East /Bridey HeingFirst edition.New York :Cavendish Square,2017.�20171 online resource (112 pages) illustrations (some color), mapsUnderstanding the cultures of the Middle East1-5026-2367-6 Includes bibliographical references and index.The history of geography, government, and conflict across the Middle East -- Modern-day geography, government, and conflict in the Gulf -- Modern-day geography, government, and conflict in the Levant -- Modern-day geography, government, and conflict in North Africa -- Important figures in geography, government, and conflict across the Middle East.This text seeks to enrich students' understanding of the geography and political history of the Middle East on a per-country basis. Past and contemporary conflicts are examined with nuance and students are provided with profiles of important figures in each country in the region. Understanding the cultures of the Middle East.Middle EastMiddle EastGeographyMiddle EastPolitics and government1945-956Heing Bridey1244408MiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910158619803321Geography, government, and conflict across the Middle East2890181UNINA