02079oam 2200433 450 991015861830332120190911103515.01-5026-2250-5(OCoLC)954038496(MiFhGG)GVRL05AV(EXLCZ)99371000000101022720160722h20172017 uy 0engurun|---uuuuatxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierThe people and culture of the Mandan /Tatiana Ryckman and Raymond BialFirst edition.New York :Cavendish Square,2017.�20171 online resource (128 pages) color illustrations, maps, portraitsFirst peoples of North America1-5026-2249-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.A culture begins -- Origins - The Mandan and the land - The Mandan creation story -- Building a civilization -- First settlements - House and home - creating a culture - The Corps of Discovery -- Life in a Mandan village -- Cycle of life - Warriors - Hunters and farmers - Food preparation - Recipe - Traditional garb - Traditional crafts - Games and pastimes -- Beliefs of the Mandan -- Religious beliefs - Ceremonies -- Overcoming hardships -- Coming together - Mandan language -- The nation's presence now -- Jobs and education - Maintaining traditions -- Faces of the Mandan -- Cedric Red Feather - Mato-Tope - Sheheke - Tillie Walker - Kathy Whitman -- Chronology.This book discusses the Mandan's beginnings, as well as their present-day happenings, and explores their future in an ever-changing world.First peoples of North America.Mandan IndiansMandan Indians.978.400497/522Ryckman Tatiana1247571Bial RaymondMiFhGGMiFhGGBOOK9910158618303321The people and culture of the Mandan2892012UNINA