02253oam 2200529zu 450 991015784500332120210731015217.00-19-179645-X(CKB)2560000000357879(SSID)ssj0001516307(PQKBManifestationID)12634976(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001516307(PQKBWorkID)11495095(PQKB)10958315(StDuBDS)EDZ0001048219(MiAaPQ)EBC4842261(EXLCZ)99256000000035787920160829d2015 uy engur|||||||||||txtccrWriting the frontier : Anthony Trollope between Britain and IrelandFirst edition.Oxford :Oxford University Press,2015.1 online resourceBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-19-872960-X Includes bibliographical references and index.Introduction : Anthony Trollope between Britain and Ireland -- Questions of justice in the early Irish novels -- Trollope and the famine -- A question of character--the many lives of Phineas Finn -- Gentlemen priests and rebellious curates : Trollope's Irish Catholic clergy -- Problems of form : Trollope's Irish short stories -- Trollope's Irish English -- Countering rebellion -- Afterword : Irish letters.'Writing the Frontier' explores Trollope's relationship with Ireland, offering an in-depth exploration of his time there, contextualising his Irish novels and short stories and examining his ongoing interest in the country, its people, and its relationship with Britain.EnglishHILCCLanguages & LiteraturesHILCCEnglish LiteratureHILCCGreat BritainIn literatureIrelandIn literatureEnglishLanguages & LiteraturesEnglish Literature823.8McCourt John325442PQKBBOOK9910157845003321Writing the frontier : Anthony Trollope between Britain and Ireland2884396UNINA