01931oam 2200229z- 450 991015775470332120230906203136.0(CKB)3710000000942095(BIP)057966597(EXLCZ)99371000000094209520210505cuuuuuuuu -u- -engAutobiography of Upton SinclairPickle Partners Publishing1 online resource (332 p.) 1-78720-265-8 First published in 1962, on the suggestion of his readers throughout his expansive writing career, this is the self-penned biography of Upton Sinclair, author of hundreds of novels, plays, homilies, diatribes and pamphlets.Written at the age 83, Sinclair at last allows his loyal readership to glean an in-depth look at the man who discovered the Jungle in Armours Meat Industry at 28, founded a Utopian co-operative in 1908, and who muckraked through all of America "to become the finest and most devoted polemicist this country has seen"--from his childhood beginnings in Maryland to his youth in New York through to publication of his first novels and political career and beyond.Of his work, Upton Sinclair says: "The English Queen Mary, who failed to hold the French port of Calais, said that when she died, the word 'Calais' would be found written on her heart. I don't know whether anyone will care to examine my heart, but if they do they will find two words there--'Social Justice.' For that is what I have believed in and fought for during sixty-three of my eighty-four books."His is an intellectual's book dealing with one who made intellectual history, and no self-respecting intellectual tradesman will fail to read it."--Kirkus ReviewIllustrated with 17 black-and-white photographs.Sinclair Upton1878-1968439208BOOK9910157754703321Autobiography of Upton Sinclair3586105UNINA