01501oam 2200313z- 450 991015466770332120230913112557.01-68144-868-8(CKB)3710000000971913(BIP)044049185(EXLCZ)99371000000097191320190630c2013uuuu -u- -engThree SecondsQuercus1 online resource (624 p.) 1-62365-351-7 THE PROPULSIVE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER, NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING JOEL KINNAMAN, ROSAMUND PIKE, AND COMMONONE MURDER.Piet Hoffmann is the Swedish police force's best undercover operative. Not even his family know of his double identity. But when a drug deal with the Polish mafia goes fatally wrong, his secret life begins to crumble around him.TWO MEN.Detective Inspector Ewert Grens is assigned to investigate the drug-related killing. Unaware of Hoffmann's true identity, he believes himself to be on the trail of a dangerous psychopath.THREE SECONDS.Hoffmann must desperately maintain his cover, or else he is a dead man walking. But in the doggedly perceptive Ewert Grens, he has just made the most relentless of enemies.FictionSwedenCrime839.738Roslund Anders1435092Dickson KaritrlHellstrom BorgeBOOK9910154667703321Three Seconds3592216UNINA01826oam 2200253z- 450 991015757030332120230906203136.01-78720-102-3(CKB)3710000001001822(BIP)058039287(VLeBooks)9781787201026(EXLCZ)99371000000100182220210505c2016uuuu -u- -engFathersPickle Partners Publishing1 online resource (214 p.) The Fathers is the powerful novel by the poet and critic recognized as one of the great men of letters of our time, Alan Tate.Old Major Buchan of Pleasant Hill, Fairfax County, Virginia, lived by a gentlemen's agreement to ignore what was base or rude, to live a life which was gentle and comfortable because it was formal. Into this life George Posey came dashing, as Henry Steele Commager observed, "to defy Major Buchan, marry Susan, betray Charles and Semmes, dazzle young Lacy, challenge and destroy the old order of things.""Great novel of the broken South."--George Steiner in The New Yorker"A psychological horror story...concerned with life rather than death, with significance rather than with futility."--Henry Steele Commager"The story displays so much imagination and such a profound reflection upon life that it cannot be neglected by anyone interested in contemporary literature."--Edwin Muir"A masterpiece of formal beauty...deserves to be recognized as one of the most outstanding novels of our time."--Janet Adam-Smith in The New Statesmen"It is one of the most remarkable novels of our time...[It] is in fact the novel GONE WITH THE WIND ought to have been."--Arthur Mizener823/.9/1Tate Allen192993BOOK9910157570303321Fathers4174302UNINA