01426oam 2200289z- 450 991015743590332120170923083101.00-8294-4065-8(CKB)3710000001000670(EXLCZ)99371000000100067020190224c2014uuuu -u- -engThe essential guide to Catholic terms /Mary Kathleen Glavich, SNDLoyola Press0-8294-4064-X Catholicism has a deep, rich history that dates back centuries upon centuries. But sometimes it’s hard to keep all that information straight. The Essential Guide to Catholic Terms is a handy, thorough, complete reference for all things Catholic. Written in simple, direct language appropriate for children of various stages of faith formation, The Essential Guide of Catholic Terms offers the detail-rich stories and phrases that we use to teach and understand our faith. A handy resource for parents and teachers, every Catholic home and classroom would not be complete without this fundamental resource.TheologyDictionariesTheologyfast(OCoLC)fst01149559Dictionaries.fastTheologyTheology.282.03Glavich Mary Kathleen1243696BOOK9910157435903321The essential guide to Catholic terms2884909UNINA