01407oam 2200265z- 450 991015743570332120161206081013.00-8294-3828-9(CKB)3710000001000672(EXLCZ)99371000000100067220190224c2013uuuu -u- -engGod finds us an experience of the spiritual exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola /Jim ManneyLoyola PressWhat are the spiritual exercises? -- What gets you out of bed in the morning? -- Conversion of the heart -- Presuppositions and prayers -- Before the exercises begin -- It's not about you -- First principle and foundation -- Loved sinners -- Mystery of sin -- There's work to be done -- Call of the king -- You're gonna have to serve somebody -- Standards -- Free at last -- Classes of people -- It's supposed to be hard -- Kinds of humility -- What are you feeling? -- Discerning the spirits -- Seemed like a good idea at the time -- Making decisions -- Take this soul and make it sing -- Finding God in all things -- Limping to the finish line.SpiritualityCatholic ChurchSpiritual exercisesSpiritualityCatholic Church.Spiritual exercises.248.3Manney Jim1239158BOOK9910157435703321God finds us2879644UNINA