01778oam 2200277z- 450 991015739000332120230913112557.01-63477-192-3(CKB)3710000001000872(BIP)059055692(BIP)055945156(EXLCZ)99371000000100087220210505c2016uuuu -u- -engWinter DuetDSP Publications1 online resource (224 p.) ill1-63477-191-5 Sequel to ShadowboxingEchoes Rising: Book TwoGermany 1944Hunted for treason and the information he carries, Kristopher and Michel leave their safe house to journey across Germany toward Switzerland. Caught in a series of Allied bombings, they stop to help civilians and narrowly escape capture by German forces.While investigating a downed aircraft in the Black Forest, the two men discover an injured RAF pilot. After they are separated, Kristopher and the pilot are discovered by a German officer who claims he is not who he appears to be. Determined to find Michel again, Kristopher has to trust the stranger and hope the man is not connected to those hunting him.Meanwhile Michel is intercepted by one of the Allied soldiers he met in Berlin. His help is needed to save one of their own.Time quickly runs out, and loyalties are tested and betrayed as their enemies close in. Michel can only hope they reach safety before information is revealed that could compromise not only his and Kristopher's lives, but those of the remaining members of the Allied team--if it is not already too late.Fiction823.3Barwell Anne1436890BOOK9910157390003321Winter Duet3596490UNINA