01456oam 2200241z- 450 991015629520332120230906203136.00-7369-6841-5(CKB)3710000000985773(BIP)058651536(EXLCZ)99371000000098577320210505c2017uuuu -u- -engLori Wick Short Stories, Vol. 2Harvest House Publishers1 online resource (100 p.) Bestselling author Lori Wick's novels have warmed the hearts of millions of fans! Now for the first time ever, Lori's short stories are released to her ebook readers in this new Lori Wick Short Stories collection, with a personal note from Lori after each story.Volume 2 reveals the blossoming love story of "Beyond the Picket Fence." Dominique "Nikki" Brinks thought moving back to her small hometown would give her more time to write children's books. She didn't expect to find two very special children and their father right next door. As Nikki's sweet spirit brings healing to two little hearts, she discover the abundant love God has waiting for her beyond the picket fence.BONUS! Chapter One from the first book in Lori Wick's endearing Rocky Mountain Memories series,Where the Wild Rose Blooms, is included.FictionWick Lori1432507BOOK9910156295203321Lori Wick Short Stories, Vol. 23577900UNINA