02287oam 2200349z- 450 991015624000332120230906203136.01-925442-41-1(CKB)3710000000985052(BIP)056965104(BIP)054974797(VLeBooks)9781925442410(EXLCZ)99371000000098505220210505c2016uuuu -u- -engBrand Activation: Implementing the Real Drivers of Sales and ProfitVivid Publishing1 online resource (102 p.) ill0-9944293-0-4 The days of brand activation are nearing an end. The future lies in customer activation. The concept of 'brand activation' has become an overused buzzword in the sales and marketing world. The term is becoming rapidly outdated, used to describe anything from mass media advertising and outdoor events to digital applications and in-store point of sale. Drawing on research, industry insights and real-life examples, the authors of Brand Activation: Implementing the Real Drivers of Sales and Profit argue that there is an urgent need to re-think the role and definition of activation in the modern marketplace. What is its link to actual purchases and, more importantly, how can it be measured? In an environment of unrelenting retail disruption in which the gap between brands and consumers is continually widening how do marketers identify - and measure - those factors that create the all important 'moment of sale'? This is, after all, where real value begins for both the brand and the consumer. In their previous book, Death of the Salesman, the authors argued that the sales function is ripe for reinvention. In this book they take a deeper look at the sales process and how consumers are navigating the purchase journey in the current environment.MarketingProduct ManagementSales ManagementConsumer BehaviorBusiness & EconomicsMcKay Alex800821Brown Graham1248188Skalberg Neale1748765BOOK9910156240003321Brand Activation: Implementing the Real Drivers of Sales and Profit4182028UNINA