01209oam 2200277z- 450 991015622620332120180605110305.00-8294-3767-3(CKB)3710000000985121(EXLCZ)99371000000098512120190224c2012uuuu -u- -engI wasn't dead when I wrote this advice given in the nick of time /Lisa-Marie Calderone-StewartLoyola PressNot dead yet -- Go find your best self -- Love and be loved -- Family is hard: so work at it -- Say what you mean and mean what you say -- Stay curious and use your imagination -- Learn from teenagers and small children -- Life is not easy: so forgive -- Respect time and cherish memories -- Life a reflected-upon life -- Go ahead: take the plunge -- Get ready to die -- Lisa's prayer.Conduct of lifeBile ductsCancerPatientsConduct of life.Bile ductsCancerPatients.248.8/61969940092BCalderone-Stewart Lisa-Marie1242154BOOK9910156226203321I wasn't dead when I wrote this2881298UNINA