01219oam 2200277z- 450 991015622510332120161201081657.00-8294-3562-X(CKB)3710000000985132(EXLCZ)99371000000098513220210427c2011uuuu -u- -engA simple, life-changing prayer discovering the power of St. Ignatius Loyola's Examen /Jim ManneyLoyola PressThe examen in a nutshell -- Why is this a good way to pray? -- Some problems that the examen solves (at least partly) -- Step one: pray for light -- Step two: give thanks -- Step three: review the day -- Step four: face what's wrong -- Step five: do something, but not just anything -- The real-time examen -- Now it's your turn -- A note on language, resources, and sources.Simple, Life-Changing PrayerPrayerCatholic ChurchSpiritual lifeCatholic ChurchPrayerCatholic Church.Spiritual lifeCatholic Church.248.3Manney Jim1239158BOOK9910156225103321A simple, life-changing prayer2875369UNINA