02501oam 2200325z- 450 991015622350332120170925220800.01-939371-91-0(CKB)3710000000985148(EXLCZ)99371000000098514820170313c2016uuuu -u- -engA buss from LaFayette /by Dorothea JensenBQB Publishing1-939371-90-2 Tuesday, June 21, 1825 -- Wednesday, June 22, 1825 -- Thursday, June 23, 1825 -- Friday, June 24, 1825 -- Saturday, June 25, 1825 -- Sunday, June 26, 1825 -- Monday, June 27, 1825 -- Afterword -- Selected Bibliography -- Glossary."Fourteen-year-old Clara Hargraves lives on a farm in Hopkinton, a small New Hampshire town, during the 19th century. She has a couple of big problems. First of all, she has a stepmother, Priscilla, who used to be her spinster schoolteacher aunt. Clara, still grieving her mother, resents that her late mothers older sister has not only married her father but is about to have a baby. To make matters worse, "Prissy Priscilla" keeps trying to make the rambunctious, clever, and witty Clara act like a proper young lady. Secondly, Clara has red hair, making her a target for teasing by a handsome older boy, Dickon Weeks, and by her pretty seventeen-year-old Dread Cousin Hetty. Clara, however, has a secret plan she hopes will change this. During the last week of June, 1825, Claras town is abuzz because the famous General Lafayette is about to visit their state during his farewell tour of America. In those eventful seven days, Clara learns a lot about her family, Hetty, Dickon, and herself. In addition, she hears many stories from her family, neighbors, veterans, and from Lafayette himself. Through these tales, she comes to understand the huge and vital role the French aristocrat played in Americas Revolutionary War. She also comes to see that her problems might not be quite so terrible after all." --Back cover.Hopkinton (N.H.)History19th centuryJuvenile fictionUnited StatesHistoryRevolution, 1775-1783Juvenile fictionNew HampshireHopkintonfastUnited StatesfastFiction.fastHistory.fastJuvenile works.fastCH JENJensen Dorothea1248656BOOK9910156223503321A buss from LaFayette2893943UNINA