04450 am 2200961 n 450 991049573770332120240104030457.02-7574-1507-72-7574-1467-410.4000/books.septentrion.12061(CKB)3710000001633470(FrMaCLE)OB-septentrion-12061(PPN)203892186(EXLCZ)99371000000163347020170615j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||Aller mieuxApproches sociologiquesLise Demailly, Nadia GarnoussiVilleneuve d'AscqPresses universitaires du Septentrion20171 online resource (422 p.) 2-7574-1370-8 Explorer les représentations et les pratiques de « l’aller mieux » dans le domaine de la santé et de la santé mentale plus particulièrement, tel est l’objectif général de cet ouvrage dont les contributions portent sur les dynamiques, les acteurs, les ressources concrètes et le vécu de la guérison, du rétablissement, du « s’en sortir ». Souvent psychologisés ou naturalisés, les processus de l’aller-mieux sont ici analysés comme un objet à part entière de la sociologie qui livre sur eux des éclairages nouveaux. Ces processus s’inscrivent au croisement de plusieurs domaines, celui des institutions du « normal » et du « pathologique », des politiques de soin et de care, de l’éthique et de l’existentiel. Aussi l’ouvrage donne-t-il la parole à des philosophes, des professionnels, des patients, ainsi qu’à des innovateurs, en présentant les expériences actuelles de pair-aidance en France ou dans d’autres pays. This book explores the representations and practices aiming at “doing better”, in the context of health, and more specifically mental health.Contributors focus on dynamics, actors, practical resources, and experience of healing, recovery, ways and means to get through.ALLER MIEUX APPROCHES SOCIOLOGIQUES Social medicineHealingSocial aspectsMental healthPublic healthSocial medicine.HealingSocial aspects.Mental health.Public health.Beutler Hélène1455762Bitton André1455763Brun Philippe1329560Caradec Vincent1238223Chamahian Aline1298338Champion Françoise382034Charmillot Maryvonne1281475Chemla Patrick1455764Demailly Lise1242638Dembinski Olivier1455765Doidy Éric1308822Doucet Marie-Chantal1455766Eyraud Benoît1298323Fargnoli Vanessa974437Farnarier Cyril1292984Ferreira Cristina1326334Fournier Claude-Alexandre1455767François Guillaume1455768Gagnon Éric1455769Gardien Ève1455770Garnoussi Nadia1455771Godrie Baptiste1455772Koenig Marie1455773Lefève Céline1328464Marquis Nicolas1305492Marsili Massimo1455774Martin Olivier506411Mino Jean-Christophe1455775Moigne Philippe Le1455776Niewiadomski Christophe1455777Pluies Julie1455778Quintin Jacques1455779Rafael Florentina1455780Raulet Yanne1455781Roelandt Jean-Luc1455782Santos Marie Dos1455783Schappi Paula Brum1455784Soulé Jérémie1455785Staedel Bérénice1455786Stona Anne-Claire1455787Thomas Jean-Paul375897Veit Camille1455788Velpry Livia1294904Vrancken Didier1453939Weiss Daniel1296001Demailly Lise1242638Garnoussi Nadia1455771FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910495737703321Aller mieux3657336UNINA03606nam 2200577 450 991015497450332120231228151159.01-5036-0173-010.1515/9781503601734(CKB)4340000000024106(MiAaPQ)EBC4768823(DE-B1597)564583(DE-B1597)9781503601734(OCoLC)1198931257(EXLCZ)99434000000002410620161223h20172017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierRaised right fatherhood in modern American conservatism /Jeffrey R. DudasStanford, California :Stanford Law Books,2017.©20171 online resource (225 pages)Cultural Lives of Law1-5036-0172-2 1-5036-0018-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Frontmatter --Contents --Preface --1. Raised Right --2. Something to Believe In: Modern American Conservatism and the Paternal Rights Discourse --3. Penetrating the Inner Sanctum: William F. Buckley Jr., Paternal Desire, and the Rights of Man --4. “The Greatest Nation on Earth”: Ronald Reagan, Fathers, and the Rights of Americans --5. All the Rage: Clarence Thomas, Daddy, and the Tragedy of Rights --6. A Nightmare Walking: The Haunting of Modern American Conservatism --Notes --References --IndexHow has the modern conservative movement thrived in spite of the lack of harmony among its constituent members? What, and who, holds together its large corporate interests, small-government libertarians, social and racial traditionalists, and evangelical Christians? Raised Right pursues these questions through a cultural study of three iconic conservative figures: National Review editor William F. Buckley, Jr., President Ronald Reagan, and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. Examining their papers, writings, and rhetoric, Jeffrey R. Dudas identifies what he terms a "paternal rights discourse"—the arguments about fatherhood and rights that permeate their personal lives and political visions. For each, paternal discipline was crucial to producing autonomous citizens worthy and capable of self-governance. This paternalist logic is the cohesive agent for an entire conservative movement, uniting its celebration of "founding fathers," past and present, constitutional and biological. Yet this discourse produces a paradox: When do authoritative fathers transfer their rights to these well-raised citizens? This duality propels conservative politics forward with unruly results. The mythology of these American fathers gives conservatives something, and someone, to believe in—and therein lies its timeless appeal.Cultural lives of law.ConservativesFamily relationshipsUnited StatesFamiliesPolitical aspectsUnited StatesCivil rightsUnited StatesPhilosophyFathers and sonsUnited StatesConservatismUnited StatesConservativesFamily relationshipsFamiliesPolitical aspectsCivil rightsPhilosophy.Fathers and sonsConservatism320.52092/273Dudas Jeffrey R.1207604MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910154974503321Raised right2785780UNINA