06696nam 22016815 450 991015474340332120190708092533.01-4008-8144-710.1515/9781400881444(CKB)3710000000631383(SSID)ssj0001651331(PQKBManifestationID)16426415(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001651331(PQKBWorkID)12567958(PQKB)11769375(MiAaPQ)EBC4738506(DE-B1597)467918(OCoLC)979970554(DE-B1597)9781400881444(EXLCZ)99371000000063138320190708d2016 fg engurcnu||||||||txtccrThe Spectral Theory of Toeplitz Operators. (AM-99), Volume 99 /L. Boutet de Monvel, Victor GuilleminPrinceton, NJ : Princeton University Press, [2016]©19811 online resource (168 pages)Annals of Mathematics Studies ;240Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-691-08279-0 0-691-08284-7 Includes bibliographical references.Frontmatter -- TABLE OF CONTENTS -- §1. Introduction -- §2. GENERALIZED TOEPLITZ OPERATORS -- §3. FOURIER INTEGRAL OPERATORS OF HERMITE TYPE -- §4. THE METAPLECTIC REPRESENTATION -- §5. METALINEAR AND METAPLECTIC STRUCTURES ON MANIFOLDS -- §6. ISOTROPIC SUBSPACES OF SYMPLECTIC VECTOR SPACES -- §7. THE COMPOSITION THEOREM -- §8. THE PROOF OF THEOREM 7.5 -- §9. PULL-BACKS, PUSH-FORWARDS AND EXTERIOR TENSOR PRODUCTS -- §10. THE TRANSPORT EQUATION -- §11. SYMBOLIC PROPERTIES OF TOEPLITZ OPERATORS -- §12. THE TRACE FORMULA -- §13. SPECTRAL PROPERTIES OF TOEPLITZ OPERATORS -- §14. THE HILBERT POLYNOMIAL -- §15. SOME CONCLUDING REMARKS -- BIBLIOGRAPHY -- APPENDIX: QUANTIZED CONTACT STRUCTURES -- BackmatterThe theory of Toeplitz operators has come to resemble more and more in recent years the classical theory of pseudodifferential operators. For instance, Toeplitz operators possess a symbolic calculus analogous to the usual symbolic calculus, and by symbolic means one can construct parametrices for Toeplitz operators and create new Toeplitz operators out of old ones by functional operations.If P is a self-adjoint pseudodifferential operator on a compact manifold with an elliptic symbol that is of order greater than zero, then it has a discrete spectrum. Also, it is well known that the asymptotic behavior of its eigenvalues is closely related to the behavior of the bicharacteristic flow generated by its symbol.It is natural to ask if similar results are true for Toeplitz operators. In the course of answering this question, the authors explore in depth the analogies between Toeplitz operators and pseudodifferential operators and show that both can be viewed as the "quantized" objects associated with functions on compact contact manifolds.Annals of mathematics studies ;Number 99.Toeplitz operatorsSpectral theory (Mathematics)Algebraic variety.Asymptotic analysis.Asymptotic expansion.Big O notation.Boundary value problem.Change of variables.Chern class.Codimension.Cohomology.Compact group.Complex manifold.Complex vector bundle.Connection form.Contact geometry.Corollary.Cotangent bundle.Curvature form.Diffeomorphism.Differentiable manifold.Dimensional analysis.Discrete spectrum.Eigenvalues and eigenvectors.Elaboration.Elliptic operator.Embedding.Equivalence class.Existential quantification.Exterior (topology).Fourier integral operator.Fourier transform.Hamiltonian vector field.Holomorphic function.Homogeneous function.Hypoelliptic operator.Integer.Integral curve.Integral transform.Invariant subspace.Lagrangian (field theory).Lagrangian.Limit point.Line bundle.Linear map.Mathematics.Metaplectic group.Natural number.Normal space.One-form.Open set.Operator (physics).Oscillatory integral.Parallel transport.Parameter.Parametrix.Periodic function.Polynomial.Projection (linear algebra).Projective variety.Pseudo-differential operator.Q.E.D.Quadratic form.Quantity.Quotient ring.Real number.Scientific notation.Self-adjoint.Smoothness.Spectral theorem.Spectral theory.Square root.Submanifold.Summation.Support (mathematics).Symplectic geometry.Symplectic group.Symplectic manifold.Symplectic vector space.Tangent space.Theorem.Todd class.Toeplitz algebra.Toeplitz matrix.Toeplitz operator.Trace formula.Transversal (geometry).Trigonometric functions.Variable (mathematics).Vector bundle.Vector field.Vector space.Volume form.Wave front set.Toeplitz operators.Spectral theory (Mathematics)515.7/246Boutet de Monvel L., 60656Guillemin Victor, DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910154743403321The Spectral Theory of Toeplitz Operators. (AM-99), Volume 992788875UNINA02721 am 2200529 n 450 991049600700332120240221123658.0979-1-02-401633-710.4000/books.purh.14418(CKB)4100000012004058(FrMaCLE)OB-purh-14418(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86836(PPN)257366792(EXLCZ)99410000001200405820210826j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierL’expérience des mœurs Étude sur Les Caractères de La Bruyère /Charles-Olivier Stiker-MetralMont-Saint-Aignan Presses universitaires de Rouen et du Havre20211 online resource (172 p.)Cours979-1-02-401370-1 Machine de guerre au service des anciens, lancée au plus fort de la que­relle, instrument d'une christianisation des pratiques littéraires, Les caractères stupéfient par ce qui fut à leur époque considéré comme « une manière d’écrire toute nouvelle », utilisant l’écriture discontinue pour s’interroger sur l’intelligi­bilité des comportements humains. Cette œuvre ouverte permet d’inventer un mode d’investigation à même de restituer le processus par lequel s’élabore un savoir en perpétuelle réflexion sur lui-même, et rend sensible la force d’indi­gnation et d’inquiétude qui perce derrière l’humour, l’ironie et la comédie. Une hygiène de la pensée est nécessaire à celui qui entend résister à la puissance de falsification de l’égocentrisme. Elle est aussi condition d’efficacité du discours moral : le lecteur ne deviendra pas « raisonnable et plus proche de devenir chrétien » en demeurant passif, mais en entrant dans la dynamique cognitive du livre de morale, et en faisant pour son propre compte le parcours intellec­tuel déjà effectué par l’écrivain.Collection "Cours"Literature, Romanceironiefalsificationécriturelittérature françaiseironiefalsificationécriturelittérature françaiseLiterature, Romanceironiefalsificationécriturelittérature françaiseStiker-Metral Charles-Olivier1291628FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910496007003321L’expérience des mœurs3024256UNINA