02812nam 2200553 450 991048052550332120170822144224.01-4704-0444-3(CKB)3360000000465027(EBL)3114210(SSID)ssj0000973873(PQKBManifestationID)11553856(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000973873(PQKBWorkID)10984725(PQKB)10084260(MiAaPQ)EBC3114210(PPN)195417313(EXLCZ)99336000000046502720050920d2006 uy| 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrRelatively hyperbolic groups intrinsic geometry, algebraic properties, and algorithmic problems /Denis V. OsinProvidence, Rhode Island :American Mathematical Society,2006.1 online resource (114 p.)Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society,0065-9266 ;number 843"Volume 179, number 843 (second of 5 numbers)."0-8218-3821-0 Includes bibliographical references.""Contents""; ""Chapter 1. Introduction""; ""1.1. Preliminary remarks""; ""1.2. Main results""; ""Chapter 2. Relative isoperimetric inequalities""; ""2.1. Relative presentations and length functions""; ""2.2. Geometry of van Kampen diagrams over relative presentations""; ""2.3. Relative Dehn functions""; ""2.4. Splitting Theorem for relatively finitely presented groups""; ""2.5. Isoperimetric functions of Cayley graphs""; ""Chapter 3. Geometry of finitely generated relatively hyperbolic groups""; ""3.1. Conventions and notation""; ""3.2. Properties of quasiâ€?geodesics""""3.3. Geodesic triangles in Cayley graphs""""3.4. Symmetric geodesies""; ""Chapter 4. Algebraic properties""; ""4.1. Elements of finite order""; ""4.2. Relatively quasiâ€?convex subgroups""; ""4.3. Cyclic subgroups and translation numbers""; ""Chapter 5. Algorithmic problems""; ""5.1. The word and membership problems""; ""5.2. The parabolicity problems""; ""5.3. Algorithmic problems for hyperbolic elements""; ""Open questions""; ""Appendix. Equivalent definitions of relative hyperbolicity""; ""Bibliography""Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society ;no. 843.Geometric group theoryHyperbolic groupsElectronic books.Geometric group theory.Hyperbolic groups.510 s512/.2Osin Denis V.1974-963693MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910480525503321Relatively hyperbolic groups2185001UNINA03044oam 2200613z 450 991015433380332120220201023029.00-19-021553-40-19-023365-6(CKB)2560000000357846(SSID)ssj0001496970(PQKBManifestationID)12638159(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001496970(PQKBWorkID)11490276(PQKB)10399617(StDuBDS)EDZ0001048342(MiAaPQ)EBC5683146(EXLCZ)99256000000035784620160829d2015 uy 0engur|||||||||||txtccrThe business of America is lobbying : how corporations became politicized and politics became more corporate /Lee Drutman[First edition].New York :Oxford University Press,[2015].©20151 online resource illustrationsStudies in postwar American political developmentBibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-19-021551-8 Includes bibliographical references and index.The pervasive position of business -- Why the growth of corporate lobbying matters -- The growth of corporate lobbying -- How and why corporations lobby -- How corporations cooperate and compete -- How corporations make sense of politics -- How lobbyists perpetuate lobbying -- Testing alternative explanations for growth -- The stickiness of lobbying -- The business of America is lobbying.Corporate lobbyists are everywhere in Washington. Of the 100 organisations that spend the most on lobbying, 95 represent business. The largest companies now have upwards of 100 lobbyists representing them. How did American businesses become so invested in politics? And what does all their money buy? Drawing on extensive data and original interviews with corporate lobbyists, 'The Business of America is Lobbying' provides a fascinating and detailed picture of what corporations do in Washington, why they do it, and why it matters.Business and politicsUnited StatesCorporationsPolitical activityUnited StatesLobbyingUnited StatesGovernment - U.SHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCPolitical Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., GeneralHILCCBusiness and politicsCorporationsPolitical activityLobbyingGovernment - U.S.Law, Politics & GovernmentPolitical Institutions & Public Administration - U.S., General324/.40973Drutman Lee1976-1074791PQKBBOOK9910154333803321The business of America is lobbying : how corporations became politicized and politics became more corporate2581868UNINA