04929oam 2200997zu 450 991015430650332120220223205054.01-5261-0197-1(CKB)3710000000529363(SSID)ssj0001590101(PQKBManifestationID)16284082(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001590101(PQKBWorkID)14632165(PQKB)11602599(MiAaPQ)EBC4915175(EXLCZ)99371000000052936320160829d2015 uy engtxtccrThat devil's trick : hypnotism and the Victorian popular imagination[Place of publication not identified]Manchester University Press2015Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph0-7190-7483-5 Preamble: Animal magnetism - a farce? -- The epoch of Mesmer -- Medical magnetism -- Surgical hypnotism -- Conclusion: 'This is that devil's trick - hypnotism!'That Devil's Trick is the first study of nineteenth-century hypnotism based primarily on the popular - rather than medical - appreciation of the subject. Drawing on the reports of mesmerists, hypnotists, quack doctors and serious physicians printed in popular newspapers from the early years of the nineteenth century to the Victorian fin de siècle, the book provides an insight into how Continental mesmerism was first understood in Britain, how a number of distinctively British varieties of mesmerism developed, and how these were continually debated in medical, moral and legal terms. This is no dry history of medicine, however. It opens and closes with two vignettes of how mesmerists were depicted on stage at the eighteenth- and nineteenth century fins des siècles, and its contents are highly relevant to the study of the many authors - Charles Dickens, George Eliot, Bram Stoker and Conan Doyle among them - whose fiction was informed by the imagery of hypnotism and mesmerism. Its contents are enlivened by liberal quotation from the often scandalous observations of those who watched or participated in mesmeric séances, these being regarded at times as salacious exhibitions likely to undermine the morality of the nation. That Devil's Trick will be an essential resource for anybody working with the popular and literary culture of the nineteenth century. Its unique contents allow it to bridge the disciplinary boundaries of literary criticism and broader Victorian studies, the breath and liveliness of its coverage also making it an important work for medical historians and the general reader. --Provided by publisher.HypnotismHistory19th centuryGreat BritainHypnotismSocial aspects19th centuryGreat BritainMesmerismHistoryHypnotism in literatureMesmerism in literatureHypnosisLiteratureImaginationHistory, 19th CenturySocial PerceptionCognitionPsychotherapyMind-Body TherapiesHistory, Modern 1601-PerceptionHumanitiesMental ProcessesComplementary TherapiesHistoryBehavioral Disciplines and ActivitiesPsychological Phenomena and ProcessesTherapeuticsPsychiatry and PsychologyAnalytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and EquipmentParapsychology & Occult SciencesHILCCSocial SciencesHILCCHypnotismHistoryHypnotismSocial aspectsMesmerismHistoryHypnotism in literatureMesmerism in literatureHypnosisLiteratureImaginationHistory, 19th CenturySocial PerceptionCognitionPsychotherapyMind-Body TherapiesHistory, Modern 1601-PerceptionHumanitiesMental ProcessesComplementary TherapiesHistoryBehavioral Disciplines and ActivitiesPsychological Phenomena and ProcessesTherapeuticsPsychiatry and PsychologyAnalytical, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Techniques and EquipmentParapsychology & Occult SciencesSocial Sciences154.7094109034Hughes William1964-848460PQKBBOOK9910154306503321That devil's trick : hypnotism and the Victorian popular imagination2596762UNINA