04478oam 2200445I 450 991015318660332120221102131826.01-315-45279-01-315-45281-21-315-45280-410.4324/9781315452814(CKB)3710000000960797(MiAaPQ)EBC4748633(OCoLC)964527701(PPN)242673872(EXLCZ)99371000000096079720180706d20162017 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierThe Routledge research companion to Johann Sebastian Bach /edited by Robin A LeaverFirst edition.Boca Raton, FL :Routledge, an imprint of Taylor and Francis,[2016].©20171 Online-Ressource (xxv, 593 Seiten)Illustrationen, NotenbeispieleIncludes index.chapter 1 Introduction ROBI N A. LEAv ER --part PART I Sources --chapter 2 Documents H A NS -JOACH I M SCH U Lz E --chapter 3 Manuscripts YO TOM I TA --chapter 4 Printed Editions GR EG ORY BU T LER --part PART II Contexts --chapter 5 Households TA N YA K EvOR KIAN --chapter 6 Schools MAR KUS R AT H EY --chapter 7 Churches ROBI N A. LEAv ER --chapter 8 Courts A N DR EW TA LLE --part PART III Musical Influences --chapter 9 The Alt-Bachisches Archiv /ST EPH EN ROSE --chapter 10 Other Composers KIR ST EN BEI ßW ENGER --part PART IV Genres and Forms --chapter 11 Vocal Music MARKA. PET ER S --chapter 12 Keyboard Music DAv IDY EA R SLEY --chapter 13 Instrumental Chamber and Ensemble Music DAv I D LEDBET T ER --chapter 14 Chorales ROBI N A. LEAv ER --chapter 15 Counterpoint, Canons and the Late Works PAU L WA LK ER --chapter 16 Compositional Technique U LR ICH SI EGELE --part PART V Dissemination --chapter 17 Sons, Family and Pupils /ST EPH EN ROE --chapter 18 Early Posthumous Printed Editions M AT T H EW DI R ST --chapter 19 Recent Research Developments MANU EL Bä RWA LD --part PART VI Chronology --chapter 20 Life and Works 1685–1750 ROBI N A. LEAv ER.The Ashgate Research Companion to Johann Sebastian Bach provides an indispensable introduction to the Bach research of the past thirty-fifty years. It is not a lexicon providing information on all the major aspects of Bach's life and work, such as the Oxford Composer Companion: J. S. Bach. Nor is it an entry-level research tool aimed at those making a beginning of such studies. The valuable essays presented here are designed for the next level of Bach research and are aimed at masters and doctoral students, as well as others interested in coming to terms with the current state of Bach research. Each author covers three aspects within their specific subject area; firstly, to describe the results of research over the past thirty-fifty years, concentrating on the most significant and controversial, such as: the debate over Smend's NBA edition of the B minor Mass; Blume's conclusions with regard to Bach's religion in the wake of the 'new' chronology; Rifkin's one-to-a-vocal-part interpretation; the rediscovery of the Berlin Singakademie manuscripts in Kiev; the discovery of hitherto unknown manuscripts and documents and the re-evaluation of previously known sources. Secondly, each author provides a critical analysis of current research being undertaken that is exploring new aspects, reinterpreting earlier assumptions, and/or opening-up new methodologies. For example, Martin W. B. Jarvis has suggested that Anna Magdalena Bach composed the cello suites and contributed to other works of her husband - another controversial hypothesis, whose newly proposed forensic methodology requires investigation. On the other hand, research into Bach's knowledge of the Lutheran chorale tradition is currently underway, which is likely to shed more light on the composer's choices and usage of this tradition. Thirdly, each author identifies areas that are still in need of investigation and research.MusicGermany18th centuryHistory and criticismMusicHistory and criticism.780.92Leaver Robin AedtFlBoTFGFlBoTFGBOOK9910153186603321The Routledge research companion to Johann Sebastian Bach2952591UNINA