02351oam 2200589zu 450 991015306070332120230803221832.01-292-01336-2(CKB)2550000001339288(SSID)ssj0001548358(PQKBManifestationID)16151716(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001548358(PQKBWorkID)14802040(PQKB)10320878(MiAaPQ)EBC5138892(Au-PeEL)EBL5138892(CaONFJC)MIL632452(OCoLC)1015880256(EXLCZ)99255000000133928820160829d2014 uy engurcnu||||||||txtccrEvidence3rd ed.[Place of publication not identified]Pearson20141 online resource (249 pages)Law express Evidence Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph1-292-01294-3 1-322-01201-6 Cover -- Contents -- Acknowledgements -- Introduction -- Guided tour -- Guided tour of the companion website -- Table of cases and statutes -- 1 Evidential issues within the trial process -- 2 Witnesses -- 3 Character evidence -- 4 Hearsay -- 5 Opinion and expert evidence -- 6 Confession evidence -- 7 Hazardous evidence -- 8 Illegally and improperly obtained evidence -- 9 Privilege, disclosure and public interest immunity -- And finally, before the exam . . . -- Glossary of terms -- Index.The Law Express series is designed to help you revise effectively. This book will guide you through understanding essential concepts, remembering and applying key legislation and making your answers stand out!.Evidence Law ExpressEvidence (Law)EnglandOutlines, syllabi, etcLaw - Great BritainHILCCLaw - Non-U.SHILCCLaw, Politics & GovernmentHILCCEvidence (Law)Law - Great BritainLaw - Non-U.S.Law, Politics & Government347.42/06076Taylor Christopher W1242812PQKBBOOK9910153060703321Evidence2882933UNINA