03333oam 22008654 450 991015174620332120230913112557.01-4755-5031-61-4755-5046-4(CKB)3710000000952144(BIP)077138915(IMF)TNMEA2016007(EXLCZ)99371000000095214420020129d2016 uf 0engtxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierA New Tool for Distributional Incidence Analysis : An Application to Fuel Subsidy Reform /Stefania Fabrizio, Alexei Goumilevski, Kangni KpodarWashington, D.C. :International Monetary Fund,2016.1 online resource (16 p.) Technical Notes and Manuals1-4755-4674-2 Increased focus on income inequality and distributional issues has made incidence analysis a crucial input into policy decisions. This note presents the theoretical framework used to conduct incidence analysis of fuel price subsidy reform and presents a user-friendly tool for its application. This new tool requires limited inputs and has the advantage of using the commonly available software program Excel. The note presents an illustration based on the case of Brazil, using the 2005 household survey and input-output table. The results reinforce the typical finding that fuel subsidies benefit well-off households and that their removal would be progressive.Technical Notes and Manuals; Technical Notes and Manuals ;No. 2016/007New Tool for Distributional Incidence AnalysisAggregate Factor Income DistributionimfConsumptionimfDeflationimfEconomicsimfEnergy industries & utilitiesimfEnergy subsidiesimfEnergy: Demand and SupplyimfExpenditureimfExpenditures, PublicimfFuel pricesimfIncomeimfInflationimfMacroeconomicsimfMacroeconomics: ConsumptionimfNational accountsimfPrice LevelimfPricesimfPublic FinanceimfSavingimfWealthimfBrazilimfAggregate Factor Income DistributionConsumptionDeflationEconomicsEnergy industries & utilitiesEnergy subsidiesEnergy: Demand and SupplyExpenditureExpenditures, PublicFuel pricesIncomeInflationMacroeconomicsMacroeconomics: ConsumptionNational accountsPrice LevelPricesPublic FinanceSavingWealthFabrizio Stefania1103907Goumilevski Alexei1770164Kpodar Kangni1193209DcWaIMFBOOK9910151746203321A New Tool for Distributional Incidence Analysis4247773UNINA