01219oam 2200289z- 450 991015164100332120230913112557.01-4574-2489-4(CKB)3710000000951529(BIP)023523097(EXLCZ)99371000000095152920210505c2015uuuu -u- -engPopular Performer, Standards - The Best Selections From the Great American Songbook: Advanced Piano CollectionAlfred Music1 online resource (40 p.) 0-7390-4325-0 Rich textures, sophisticated harmonies and inventive rhythms make these arrangements ideal for hobbyists, advancing students, professional musicians or any Popular Performer. Titles: Ain't She Sweet * As Time Goes By * Bidin' My Time * Dancing in tPopular Performer, Standards - The Best Selections From the Great American SongbookPopular MusicPiano MusicMusicSanborn JanothBOOK9910151641003321Popular Performer, Standards - The Best Selections From the Great American Songbook: Advanced Piano Collection3599986UNINA