01294oam 2200277z- 450 991015164090332120230913112557.01-4574-3938-7(CKB)3710000000951530(BIP)023521846(EXLCZ)99371000000095153020210505c2015uuuu -u- -engStrictly Strings - Piano Accompaniment, Book 2: A Comprehensive String MethodAlfred Music1 online resource (72 p.) 0-88284-540-3 An easy-to-teach, straight forward string method from three renowned pedagogues. A unique letter-note style of music notation is utilized which ensures a smooth transition from rote to note reading. Students are quickly introduced to ensemble playing and play a wide variety of fun-to play melodies, keys and modes. Strictly Strings features a carefully prepared lesson sequence which develops all players' abilities equally.Strictly Strings - Piano Accompaniment, Book 2Dillon Jacquelyn1436835Kjelland JamesO'Reilly John1953-BOOK9910151640903321Strictly Strings - Piano Accompaniment, Book 2: A Comprehensive String Method3596296UNINA