01052oam 2200277z- 450 991015160540332120230913112557.01-4574-1269-1(CKB)3710000000951786(BIP)048774382(EXLCZ)99371000000095178620210505c2015uuuu -u- -engGateway to German Lieder: High VoiceAlfred Music1 online resource (216 p.) 0-7390-0106-X Great masters of lieder from Beethoven to Richard Strauss are represented among 48 songs that have been chosen for their appeal to young singers. Musical excerpts studied in Gateway to German Diction appear as complete scores. The comb binding creates a lay-flat book that is perfect for study and performance.Gateway to German LiederSongs, GermanMusicPaton John GlennedtBOOK9910151605403321Gateway to German Lieder: High Voice3595513UNINA