05485oam 2200565Mu 450 991015034320332120240501160120.01-315-76500-41-317-65598-2(CKB)3710000000932784(MiAaPQ)EBC4741938(OCoLC)963587513(OCoLC-P)963587513(FlBoTFG)9781315765006(EXLCZ)99371000000093278420161119d2016 uy 0engur|n|---|||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierThe Routledge Handbook of International Resilience1st ed.Florence Taylor and Francis20161 online resource (447 pages) illustrations, tables1-138-78432-X 1-317-65599-0 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Cover; Half Title; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; List of figures; List of tables; Notes on contributors; Part I Introduction; 1 Introduction: contested paradigms of international resilience; Part II Challenges; 2 The etymology and genealogy of a contested concept; 3 Resilience, security and world politics; 4 Making resilience strange: ontological politics in a 'time of crisis'; 5 A social science perspective on resilience; 6 The nature of resilience; Part III Uncertainty; 7 The promise of security: resilience, surprise and epistemic politics.8 An ethic of care for resilience: addressing resilience's problem of the present in the 'Transition Towns' model9 The digitization of resilience; 10 Resilience and the inversion of possibility and reality; Part IV Neoliberalism; 11 Resilience, complexity and neoliberalism; 12 Resilience, power and money: limitations and prospects of systems ecology in envisaging a sustainable world economy; 13 Resilience, governmentality and neoliberalism; Part V Environment; 14 Climate change and security: from paradigmatic resilience to resilience multiple.15 Resilience and the neoliberal counterrevolution: from ecologies of control to production of the common16 The operationalization of resilience in pastoral regions in east africa and central asia; Part VI Urban planning; 17 From maladaptation to adaptation: towards a resilient urban planning paradigm; 18 Resilient territories and territorial cohesion: different origins, similar destination; 19 Insurance as maladaptation: resilience and the 'business as usual' paradox; Part VII Disaster response; 20 A different cup of tea: learning from enhancing resilience in risk prone communities.21 Managing disaster risk and resilience in the uk: response vs. prevention in policy and practice22 'Bouncing back' to capitalism? Grassroots autonomous activism in shaping discourses of resilience and transformation following disaster; Part VIII Insecurity; 23 The politics of security-driven resilience; 24 Resilience and disaster sites: the disastrous temporality of the 'recovery-to-come'; 25 Civic resilience: securing "resilient communities" to prevent terrorism; 26 Dangerously exposed: the life and death of the resilient subject; Part IX International development.27 Resilience and development among ultra-poor households in rural ethiopia28 Developing resilience: a retreat from grand planning; 29 Resilience and the post-colonial: hidden transcripts of resilience in Jamaican disaster management; Part X Conclusion; 30 Conclusion: international resilience and the uncertain future; Index."Resilience is increasingly discussed as a key concept across many fields of international policymaking from sustainable development and climate change, insecurity, conflict and terrorism to urban and rural planning, international aid provision and the prevention of and responses to natural and man-made disasters. Edited by leading academic authorities from a number of disciplines, this is the first handbook to deal with resilience as a new conceptual approach to understanding and addressing a range of interdependent global challenges.The Handbook is divided into nine sections:Introduction: contested paradigms of resilience;the challenges of resilience;governing uncertainty;resilience and neoliberalism;environmental concerns and climate change adaptation;urban planning;disaster risk reduction and response;international security and insecurity;the policy and practices of international development.Highlighting how resilience-thinking is increasingly transforming international policy-making and government and institutional practices, this book will be an indispensable source of information for students, academics and the wider public interested in resilience, international relations and international security."--Provided by publisher.Crisis managementSocial aspectsHuman securitySocial aspectsRisk assessmentSocial aspectsCrisis managementSocial aspects.Human securitySocial aspects.Risk assessmentSocial aspects.320.601327.101Chandler David51573Coaffee Jon510682OCoLC-POCoLC-PBOOK9910150343203321The Routledge Handbook of International Resilience2880085UNINA