01714 am 22003973u 450 99101496682033212018120310.15460/HUP.AKGH.27.132(CKB)3790000000064233(OAPEN)1002365(NjHacI)993790000000064233(EXLCZ)99379000000006423320181203d|||| uy geruuuuu---auuuutxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierDas 19. JahrhundertHamburgHamburg University Press20131 online resource (634) Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte Hamburgs ;Volume 273-943423-02-6 Includes bibliographical references.The fourth part of Hamburg's church history in essays is dedicated to the 19th century.Considering the momentous upheavals and upheavals and the variety of important themes and formative figures, the texts reprinted or newly written here reflect only some of the events and developments relevant to Hamburg's church history in this eventful epoch.Irrespective of all possible additions, this volume offers numerous new and enlightening insights into the exciting urbanization process of a city and its churches on their path to modernity, marked by catastrophes and fortunes, reformist zeal and conservatism.Arbeiten zur Kirchengeschichte Hamburgs vol. 27HistorybicsscHistory270.81Mager IngeNjHacINjHaclBOOK9910149668203321Das 19. Jahrhundert1976616UNINA