01423oam 2200301z- 450 991014939710332120170629081015.01-62973-476-4(CKB)3710000000933493(EXLCZ)99371000000093349320210505c2016uuuu -u- -engWinter sky a novel /Chris StewartShadow Mountain1-62972-229-4 Lucas is a fighter in the Polish Resistance Movement during World War II. But when he wakes up in the trenches after a long night of being shelled, he finds his ears bloody and his memory gone. All he has left is a torn photograph of a man and woman and a young boy. Could the child be him? Four days later, on December 20, Lucas is dropped off on the train platform of a bombed-out Polish village. Nothing is familiar, though his buddies assure him that this was his home town. In the middle of death and destruction, Lucas begins the search for his family.World War, 1939-1945Underground movementsPolandFictionAmnesiacsFictionWar and familiesPolandFictionWorld War, 1939-1945Underground movementsAmnesiacsWar and families813/.54Stewart Chris1960-1248766BOOK9910149397103321Winter sky2894122UNINA