01483oam 2200265z- 450 991014939600332120230913112557.01-60907-277-4(CKB)3710000000933504(BIP)043208737(EXLCZ)99371000000093350420210505c2012uuuu -u- -engThe Rent CollectorShadow Mountain1 online resource (288 p.) ill1-60907-705-9 Survival for Ki Lim and Sang Ly is a daily battle at Stung Meanchey, the largest municipal waste dump in all of Cambodia. They make their living scavenging recyclables from the trash. Life would be hard enough without the worry for their chronically ill child, Nisay, and the added expense of medicines that are not really working. Just when things seem most bleak, Sang Ly learns a secret about the hated, ill-tempered woman, the "the rent collector"-she can read Reluctantly she agrees to teach Sang Ly and does so with the same harshness she applied to her collection duties until they both learn how literacy has the power to instill hope and transcend circumstance.Based on a true story, set in the abject poverty of Cambodia against the backdrop of political oppression and the atrocities of the Khmer Rouge.Fiction813/.6Wright Camron1249936BOOK9910149396003321The Rent Collector3600678UNINA