01169oam 2200349z- 450 991014939540332120130518082615.01-60641-893-9(CKB)3710000000933510(EXLCZ)99371000000093351020210505c2010uuuu -u- -engThe golden spiral a novel /by Lisa MangumShadow MountainWhen Dante, a Master of Time, is sent into the past to find Zo, Tony, and V, Abby knows that he will need her help to prevent the trio from destroying time itself, but soon things start to change as Zo targets Abby's past.Time travelFictionHigh schoolsFictionSchoolsFictionInterpersonal relationsFictionGood and evilFictionFantasy fiction, American.Time travelHigh schoolsSchoolsInterpersonal relationsGood and evil[Fic]Mangum Lisa1236492BOOK9910149395403321The golden spiral2871090UNINA