02764nam 22006015 450 991014903360332120200723103303.00-8232-7349-010.1515/9780823273492(CKB)3710000000924272(MiAaPQ)EBC4803755(MiAaPQ)EBC4729807(MiAaPQ)EBC5046378(DE-B1597)554946(DE-B1597)9780823273492(OCoLC)962153772(EXLCZ)99371000000092427220200723h20162016 fg engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierComing /Jean-Luc NancyNew York, NY : Fordham University Press, [2016]©20161 online resource (168 pages)0-8232-7347-4 Includes bibliographical references.Frontmatter -- CONTENTS -- PREFACE TO THE ENGLISH- LANGUAGE EDITION -- WHY SPEAK OF COMING (JOUISSANCE)? -- PRELIMINARIES -- ARE WE ALONE IN JOUISSANCE? -- FROM ANIMAL INSTINCT TO DESIRE OF THE OTHER -- TOWARD INFINITY AND BEYOND -- THE CONDEMNATION OF JOUISSANCE -- FROM PROFIT TO CONSUMPTION/ CONSUMMATION -- Body of Pleasure -- Rühren, Berühren, Aufruhr (Moving, Touching, Uprising) -- Neither Seeing Nor Having (Ni le voir ni l’avoir) -- Nude Enumerated -- NOTES -- SOME BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCE POINTS Coming is a lyrical, erudite examination of the French notion of jouissance. How did jouissance evolve from referring to the pleasure of possessing a material thing (property, wealth) to the pleasure of orgasm, from appropriation to dis-appropriation, from consumption to consummation? The philosophers Adèle van Reeth and Jean-Luc Nancy engage in a lively dialogue, ranging from consumerism to video games to mysticism and from Spinoza, Hegel, andAugustine to the Marquis de Sade, Marguerite Duras, and Henry Miller. Four additional essays are new to the American edition.PleasurePleasure principle (Psychology)PsychoanalysisJean-Luc Nancy.Spinoza.St. Augustine.jouissance.pleasure.sexuality.Pleasure.Pleasure principle (Psychology)Psychoanalysis.152.4/2Nancy Jean-Luc, authttp://id.loc.gov/vocabulary/relators/aut157114Mandell Charlotte1165882Reeth Adèle Van1222845DE-B1597DE-B1597BOOK9910149033603321Coming2836797UNINA