01808oam 2200229z- 450 991014901210332120230913112557.01-941098-53-3(CKB)3710000000924436(BIP)056909670(EXLCZ)99371000000092443620210505c2016uuuu -u- -engBadd Motherf*ckerNLA Digital LLCYour wedding day is supposed to be the happiest day of your life, right? That's what they say, at least. I went into that day hoping I'd get the happiest day of my life. What I got? The worst. I mean, you really can't get any worse of a day without someone actually dying.So...I may have gotten just a little drunk, and maybe just a tad impetuous...And landed myself in a dive bar somewhere in Alaska, alone, still in my wedding dress, half-wasted and heart-broken.***Eight brothers, one bar.Sounds like the beginning to a bad joke, yeah?I kinda think so.Wanna hear another joke? A girl walks into a bar, soaking wet and wearing a wedding dress.I knew I shouldn't have touched her. She was hammered, for one thing, and heartbroken for another. I've chased enough tail to know better. That kinda thing only leads to clinginess, and a clingy female is the last thing on this earth I need.I got a bar needs running, and only me to run it--at least until my seven wayward brothers decide to show their asses up...Then this chick walks in, fine as hell, wearing a soaked wedding dress that leaves little enough to the imagination--and I've got a hell of an imagination.I knew I shouldn't have touched her. Not so much as a finger, not even innocently.But I did.FictionWilder Jasinda1435731BOOK9910149012103321Cker3593625UNINA