03796 am 2200793 n 450 9910568200103321202201032-84867-735-X10.4000/books.pufc.42562(CKB)4100000012875404(FrMaCLE)OB-pufc-42562(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/86180(PPN)263271005(EXLCZ)99410000001287540420220517j|||||||| ||| 0freuu||||||m||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierClaude Louis-Combet Fluences et influences /France Marchal-Ninosque, Jacques PoirierBesançon Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté20221 online resource (350 p.) Annales littéraires2-84867-429-6 « Du fond d’une subjectivité toujours attentive à la parole des autres telle qu’elle se porte sur lui, le vieil écrivain, objet une fois encore d’un colloque tout à la fois critique et fraternel, s’interroge sur le sens et sur la portée de son entreprise d’expression et, au bout de la chaîne composée de tous ses écrits et de tous les commentaires par ceux-ci suscités, voici qu’il est enclin à coïncider avec son âme de jeune auteur se demandant s’il parviendra jamais à donner forme à une pensée essentielle, mais essentiellement obscure, dont il se sent habité, comme il l’est en même temps par son élan vital, dont elle est une composante, une face orientée, pointée tout à la fois vers soi-même et vers le monde […] » Ainsi s’exprime Claude Louis-Combet dans l’article-confession qu’il donne à ce volume, issu du 3e colloque consacré à l’auteur, en novembre 2009, dans les Universités de Bourgogne et de Franche-Comté. Cet ouvrage constitue ainsi un dialogue entre Claude Louis-Combet et ses commentateurs qui, à travers les lectures croisées, dont les aproches génétiques, relisent cette œuvre complexe, de chair, d’âme et de culture.Literature (General)littératuresubjectivitéClaude Louis-CombetlittératuresubjectivitéClaude Louis-CombetLiterature (General)littératuresubjectivitéClaude Louis-CombetBoblet Marie-Hélène1283455Bondu Dominique1314904Bonnet Gérard728981Bonord Aude1306892Boulard Stéphanie1250130Bouygues Élodie1291960Cabiron Héloïse1300925Cange Yaël1314905De Courcelles Dominique1299406Dominique François1283882El Cheikh Noura1314906Forthomme Bernard775723Froye Marianne1314907Houriez Jacques1233090Longuet Marx Anne1314908Louis-Combet Claude713954Marchal-Ninosque France1241661Massin Marianne1307326Miguet-Ollagnier Marie1237343Piroux Cyril1287499Poirier Jacques506682Romestaing Alain1282713Salas Alexandre1283890Vidal Daniel375210White-Le Goff Myriam1289716Marchal-Ninosque France1241661Poirier Jacques506682FR-FrMaCLEBOOK9910568200103321Claude Louis-Combet3032187UNINA02006nam 2200505 a 450 991014586550332120230828224545.088-7802-923-8(CKB)1000000000279601(MH)008030559-8(SSID)ssj0000576792(PQKBManifestationID)12226341(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000576792(PQKBWorkID)10559205(PQKB)11568711(EXLCZ)99100000000027960119990216d1998 uy 0itatxtccrDame, galline e regine la scrittura femminile italiana fra '800 e '900 /Antonia Arslan ; a cura di Marina Pasqui ; premessa di Siobhan Nash Marshall[electronic resource]1. ed.Milano Guerini studio19981 online resource (221 p. )Biblioteca letteraria ;14Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: MonographIncludes bibliographical references (p. [119]-221).Dame, galline e regine Italian literatureWomen authorsHistory and criticismItalian literature19th centuryHistory and criticismItalian literature20th centuryHistory and criticismItalian literatureWomen authorsHistory and criticism.Italian literatureHistory and criticism.Italian literatureHistory and criticism.850.9/9287Arslan Antonia156637Pasqui Marina1025335DLCDLCBOOK9910145865503321Dame, galline e regine2437772UNINAThis Record contains information from the Harvard Library Bibliographic Dataset, which is provided by the Harvard Library under its Bibliographic Dataset Use Terms and includes data made available by, among others the Library of Congress01764oam 2200493 450 991070775560332120161107105702.0(CKB)5470000002466992(OCoLC)885121769(EXLCZ)99547000000246699220140802d1963 ua 0engurn||||||||||txtrdacontentcrirdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierGeology of the Calamity Peak Area Custer County South Dakota /Donald H. KupferWashington, D.C. :United States Department of the Interior, Geological Survey,1963.Washington, D.C. :Government Printing Office.1 online resource (iv, E23 pages, 2 pages of plates) illustrations, maps, charts, photographsGeological Survey bulletin ;1142-EContributions to economic geologyTitle from title screen (viewed July 24, 2014)."Prepared on behalf of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission."Includes bibliographical references (page E23).Contributions to economic geologyGeologySouth DakotaCuster CountyGeologyfastSouth DakotaCuster CountyfastGeologyGeology.Kupfer Donald H(Donald Harry),1918-2010,1403409Geological Survey (U.S.),U.S. Atomic Energy Commission,COPCOPOCLCOOCLCFGPOBOOK9910707755603321Geology of the Calamity Peak Area Custer County South Dakota3476021UNINA05329nam 2200865 450 991079660520332120220907153634.01-78920-845-910.1515/9781785337772(CKB)4100000001593334(MiAaPQ)EBC5216954(DE-B1597)637052(DE-B1597)9781785337772(EXLCZ)99410000000159333420180208h20182018 uy 0engurcnu||||||||rdacontentrdamediardacarrierCommunist parties revisited sociocultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet Bloc, 1956-1991 /edited by Rüdiger Bergien and Jens GiesekeNew York ;Oxford, [England] :Berghahn,2018.©20181 online resource (383 pages) illustrations (some color), tables, graphs1-78533-776-9 1-78533-777-7 Includes bibliographical references at the end of each chapters and index.Communist parties revisited: cultural approaches to party rule in the Soviet Bloc, 1956-1991 / Rüdiger Bergien and Jens Gieseke -- The paradox of party discipline in the Khrushchev-era Communist Party / Edward Cohn -- "It Is not possible to allow past mistakes to come again": recruitment policy in the CPCS in the 1970s and 1980s / Michel Christian -- Behind closed doors: the erosion of SED party life in the 1980s / Sabine Pannen -- The successive dissolution of the "uncivil society": tracking SED party members in opinion polls and secret police reports, 1969-1989 / Jens Gieseke -- On the way to party pluralism?: the PZPR and the reform of the socialist party system in 1988-1989 / Frédéric Zalewski -- Communist Party apparatuses as steering organizations: paths of development in East Central Europe / Christoph Boyer -- The Central Committee Department of Party Organs under Khrushchev / Alexander Titov -- True believers becoming funded experts?: personnel profile and political power in the SED Central Committee's Sectoral Apparatus, 1946-89 / Rüdiger Bergien -- Paternalism in local practice: the logic of repression, ideological hegemony and the everyday management of society in an SED local secretariat / Andrea Bahr -- The SED Bezirk secretaries as brokers of territorial interests in the GDR / Jay Rowell -- The idea of social unity and its influence on the mechanisms of a totalitarian regime in the years 1956-1980 / Krzysztof Dąbek -- Foreign policymaking and party-state relations in the Soviet Union during the Brezhnev era / Mark Kramer -- Erich Honecker, the "leading representative": a generational perspective / Martin Sabrow -- Inside the system: the CPSU Central Committee, Mikhail Gorbachev's Komanda, and the end of Communist rule in Russia / Jan C. Behrends -- The ironies of membership: the ruling Communist Party in comparative perspective / Padraic Kenney."The ruling communist parties of the postwar Soviet Bloc possessed nearly unprecedented power to shape every level of society; perhaps in part because of this, they have been routinely depicted as monolithic, austere, and even opaque institutions. Communist Parties Revisited takes a markedly different approach, investigating everyday life within basic organizations to illuminate the inner workings of Eastern Bloc parties. Ranging across national and transnational contexts, the contributions assembled here reconstruct the rituals of party meetings, functionaries' informal practices, intra-party power struggles, and the social production of ideology to give a detailed account of state socialist policymaking on a micro-historical scale"--Provided by publisher.CommunismSoviet UnionHistoryEurope, EasternSocial conditions20th centuryEurope, EasternPolitics and government20th centuryCommunist countriesSocial conditions20th centuryCommunist countriesPolitics and government20th centurycivic.communist parties.eastern bloc countries.engaging.european history.everyday life.history.ideology.inner workings.marx.monolithic government.opaque institutions.political parties.political process.political science.political.politics.postwar europe.revolutionaries.russia.russian history.social issues.social problems.socialism communism.socialism.society.sociocultural approach.soviet bloc.transnational contexts.unprecedented power.CommunismHistory.335.430947Bergien RüdigerGieseke JensMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910796605203321Communist parties revisited3706944UNINA