01824oam 2200493zu 450 991014576700332120210806235931.0(CKB)1000000000278887(SSID)ssj0001480860(PQKBManifestationID)12648948(PQKBTitleCode)TC0001480860(PQKBWorkID)11498205(PQKB)11376723(EXLCZ)99100000000027888720160829d2002 uy fretxtccrAux frontières de la paix : bons offices, médiations, arbitrages du Saint-Siège, 1878-1922[Place of publication not identified]École française de Rome2002Collection de l'âEcole franðcaise de Rome Aux frontiáeres de la paix Bibliographic Level Mode of Issuance: Monograph2-7283-0597-8 Church and stateHistoryCatholic Church19th centuryChurch and stateCatholic ChurchHistory20th centuryInternational commercial arbitrationReligionHILCCPhilosophy & ReligionHILCCChristianityHILCCInternational diplomatic relationsVatican city19th-20th centuriesChurch and stateHistoryCatholic ChurchChurch and stateCatholic ChurchHistoryInternational commercial arbitrationReligionPhilosophy & ReligionChristianityTicchi Jean-Marc1022908Ticchi Jean-MarcPQKBBOOK9910145767003321Aux frontières de la paix : bons offices, médiations, arbitrages du Saint-Siège, 1878-19222430029UNINA02959nam 2200601z- 450 991059812620332120241004193810.0(PPN)261433296(CKB)4920000001372326(oapen)https://directory.doabooks.org/handle/20.500.12854/80915(EXLCZ)99492000000137232620202204d2022 |y 0freurmn|---annantxtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierFabrique du scandale et rivalités mémorielles en France et en Europe (1550-1697)PessacPresses Universitaires de Bordeaux20221 electronic resource (208 p.)S@voirs humanistes2979-1-03-000803-6 In 1550, the theological notion of “scandal” was put forward in Calvin’s treatise Concerning Scandals. The reformer invited his coreligionists not to be afraid of scandal and not to concern themselves with fama. Focusing on the notion of scandal, the present study demonstrates the role of reputation in interdenominational conflicts. The Protestant-Catholic conflicts become a battle of conflicting memories. As Catholics and Protestants fight to impose their own narratives, it impacts the writing of history. Scandal, thus, is crucial on both sides; it constitutes a polemical tool in a war fought with the pen and the press where libels are tearing apart the nascent ‘public space’. Following its theological making, the legal making of scandal then gradually allows the monarchy to regain control of its torn ‘public space’. This book thus analyses the emerging of scandal in its modern understanding: an event constructed as a narrative through media coverage for political purposes, which brings into crisis the common basic standards and values of a society due to the transgressive nature of the acts or words it accounts for.Fabrique du scandale et rivalités mémorielles en France et en EuropeLiterature: history & criticismbicsscRenaissanceKnowledgeSciencesHumanismScandalTheologyPoliticsMemoryHistoriographyLiteratureHermeneuticsCalvinReformerScandalsReformedCatholicsFamaLiterature: history & criticismZanin Enricaedt1290199Perona BlandineedtMoreau IsabelleedtZanin EnricaothPerona BlandineothMoreau IsabelleothBOOK9910598126203321Fabrique du scandale et rivalités mémorielles en France et en Europe (1550-1697)3021418UNINA