03647nam 2200649Ia 450 991014527270332120200520144314.01-281-32071-41-78034-247-097866113207130-470-75641-10-470-75635-7(CKB)1000000000400448(EBL)351553(OCoLC)437218785(SSID)ssj0000167314(PQKBManifestationID)11158985(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000167314(PQKBWorkID)10170099(PQKB)11686184(MiAaPQ)EBC351553(Au-PeEL)EBL351553(CaPaEBR)ebr10232946(CaONFJC)MIL132071(PPN)23107011X(EXLCZ)99100000000040044819991216d2001 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrThe handbook of contemporary syntactic theory[electronic resource] /edited by Mark Baltin and Chris CollinsMalden, Mass. Blackwell Publishers20011 online resource (874 p.)Blackwell handbooks in linguisticsDescription based upon print version of record.0-631-20507-1 Includes bibliographical references (p. [768]-824) and index.The Handbook of Contemporary Syntactic Theory; Contents; Contributors; Introduction; I Derivation versus Representation; 1. Explaining Morphosyntactic Competition; 2. Economy Conditions in Syntax; 3. Derivation and Representation in Modern Transformational Syntax; 4. Relativized Minimality Effects; II Movement; 5. Head Movement; 6. Object Shift and Scrambling; 7. Wh-in-situ Languages; 8. A-Movements; III Argument Structure and Phrase Structure; 9. Thematic Relations in Syntax; 10. Predication; 11. Case; 12. Phrase Structure; 13. The Natures of Nonconfigurationality14. What VP Ellipsis Can Do, and What it Can't, but not WhyIV Functional Projections; 15. Agreement Projections; 16. Sentential Negation; 17. The DP Hypothesis: Identifying Clausal Properties in the Nominal Domain; 18. The Structure of DPs: Some Principles, Parameters, and Problems; V Interface with Interpretation; 19. The Syntax of Scope; 20. Deconstructing Binding; 21. Syntactic Reconstruction Effects; VI External Evaluation of Syntax; 22. Syntactic Change; 23. Setting Syntactic Parameters; Bibliography; IndexThis volume provides a comprehensive view of the current issues in contemporary syntactic theory. Written by an international assembly of leading specialists in the field, these 2 original articles serve as a useful reference for various areas of grammar.Contains 23 articles written by an international assembly of specialists in the field. The lucidly written articles grant accessibility to crucial areas of syntactic theory. Contrasting theories are represented. Contains an informative introduction and extensive bibliography which serves as a reference tBlackwell handbooks in linguistics.Grammar, Comparative and generalSyntaxHandbooks, manuals, etcLinguisticsGrammar, Comparative and generalSyntaxLinguistics.415Baltin Mark R(Mark Reuben),1950-302400Collins Chris1963-302401MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910145272703321The handbook of contemporary syntactic theory2229851UNINA