02899nam 2200625 a 450 991014525270332120170815142332.01-282-68805-797866126880581-118-26718-40-470-43035-4(CKB)1000000000707625(EBL)413067(OCoLC)437090076(SSID)ssj0000204489(PQKBManifestationID)11172947(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000204489(PQKBWorkID)10176369(PQKB)10264320(MiAaPQ)EBC413067(EXLCZ)99100000000070762520080702d2009 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccrModern portfolio management[electronic resource] active long short 130/30 equity strategies /Martin L. Leibowitz, Simon Emrich, Anthony BovaHoboken, N.J. John Wiley & Sonsc20091 online resource (544 p.)[Wiley finance]Series title from jacket.0-470-39853-1 Includes bibliographical references and index.Modern Portfolio Management: Active, Long/Short, 130/30, Equity, Strategies; Contents; Foreword: The High and Low of 130/30 Investing; Structure of the Book; Acknowledgments; Introduction: Evolution of the Active Extension Concept; Part I: Active 130/30 Extensions and Diversified Asset Allocations; Part II: The Role of Quantitative Strategies in Active 130/30 Extensions; Part III: Special Topics Relating to Active 130/30 Extensions; Part IV: Key Journal Articles; About the Authors; IndexActive 130/30 Extensions is the newest wave of disciplined investment strategies that involves asymmetric decision-making on long/short portfolio decisions, concentrated investment risk-taking in contrast to diversification, systematic portfolio risk management, and flexibility in portfolio design. This strategy is the building block for a number of 130/30 and 120/20 investment strategies offered to institutional and sophisticated high net worth individual investors who want to manage their portfolios actively and aggressively to outperform the market.Wiley finance series.Portfolio managementAsset allocationInvestment analysisElectronic books.Portfolio management.Asset allocation.Investment analysis.332.6Leibowitz Martin L.1936-300151Bova Anthony1978-993885Emrich Simon1971-993886MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910145252703321Modern portfolio management2275743UNINA