03367nam 2200637Ia 450 991014472550332120230721030233.01-281-32036-697866113203620-470-99458-40-470-99457-6(CKB)1000000000377339(EBL)350850(OCoLC)476169286(SSID)ssj0000095750(PQKBManifestationID)11127096(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000095750(PQKBWorkID)10062612(PQKB)10802638(MiAaPQ)EBC350850(Au-PeEL)EBL350850(CaPaEBR)ebr10236631(CaONFJC)MIL132036(EXLCZ)99100000000037733920071001d2007 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtccr40 years of academic public psychiatry[electronic resource] /editors, Selby C. Jacobs and Ezra E.H. GriffithChichester, West Sussex ;Hoboken, NJ J. Wileyc20071 online resource (240 p.)Description based upon print version of record.0-470-98767-7 Includes bibliographical references and index.40 Years of Academic Public Psychiatry; Table of contents; Foreword; Introduction: The Connecticut Mental Health Center as a public psychiatry initiative; 1: Severe and persistent mental illness; 2: Connecticut Mental Health Center: clinical, research and training programs in the addictions; 3: Law and Psychiatry at the Connecticut Mental Health Center; 4: The neuroscience research program at the Connecticut Mental Health Center; 5: Psychiatric epidemiology, services research, prevention and public health6: Ethnicity, mental health care disparities and culturally competent care at the Connecticut Mental Health Center7: A public-academic partnership at the Connecticut Mental Health Center; 8: Public psychiatry training and education at the Connecticut Mental Health Center; 9: The future of academic public psychiatry; Epilogue: Academic-public partnership from a British perspective; IndexDescribes an outstanding training programme in public psychiatry developed by the Connecticut Mental Health CenterA worthwhile and valuable contribution to the field that has no current equivalent in the marketThe book suggests a plan for the future of public sector psychiatry and serves as a model to centers throughout North America and further afieldDescribes the impact of the Connecticut Mental Health Center on psychiatric service models in the public sectorCommunity psychiatryConnecticutHistoryCommunity mental health servicesConnecticutHistoryAcademic medical centersConnecticutHistoryCommunity psychiatryHistory.Community mental health servicesHistory.Academic medical centersHistory.362.2/209746616.89Jacobs Selby1939-927998Griffith Ezra E. H.1942-937324MiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK991014472550332140 years of academic public psychiatry2111374UNINA