04179nam 2200685 a 450 991014465700332120230822182906.01-280-78392-397866136943170-470-72059-X0-470-71827-7(CKB)1000000000688128(EBL)703898(OCoLC)797918460(SSID)ssj0000715468(PQKBManifestationID)11410208(PQKBTitleCode)TC0000715468(PQKBWorkID)10704123(PQKB)11698487(MiAaPQ)EBC703898(Au-PeEL)EBL703898(CaPaEBR)ebr10575492(CaONFJC)MIL369431(EXLCZ)99100000000068812819800605d1980 uy 0engur|n|---|||||txtrdacontentcrdamediacrrdacarrierEnvironmental chemicals, enzyme function, and human diseaseAmsterdam ;New York :Excerpta Medica ;New York :Elsevier/North-Holland,1980.1 online resource (392 pages)Ciba Foundation symposium (new series) ;76."Symposium on Drug-Metabolizing Enzymes and Environmental Chemicals: Toxic Interactions, held at the Ciba Foundation, London, 23-25 October 1979"--Participants page.0-470-66387-1 0-444-90157-4 Includes bibliographical references and indexes.Environmental Chemicals Enzyme Function and Human Disease; Contents; Chairman's introduction; The role of the drug-metabolizing enzymes; Discussion; The influence of inducers on drug-metabolizing enzyme activity and on formation of reactive drug metabolites in the liver; Discussion; Effects of inducers and inhibitors on drug-metabolizing enzymes and on drug toxicity in extrahepatic tissues; Discussion; Induction of enzymes involved in DNA repair and mutagenesis; DiscussionInduction of drug-metabolizing enzymes by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons: mechanisms, and some implications in environmental health research; Discussion; Discussion; Induction of drug-metabolizing enzymes by phenobarbitone: structural and biochemical aspects; Substrate-dependent irreversible inactivation of cytochrome P-450: conversion of its haem moiety into modified porphyrins; Discussion; General Discussion I; Regulation of human drug metabolism by dietary factors; Discussion; Influence of foreign compounds on formation and disposition of reactive metabolites; DiscussionPharmacokinetic factors governing the steady-state concentrations of foreign chemicals and their metabolites; Discussion; Toxicological implications of polymorphic drug metabolism; Immunologically mediated toxicity; Discussion; Toxicological significance of liver hypertrophy produced by inducers of drug-metabolizing enzymes; Discussion; Discussion; Discussion; The influence of nutrition and inducers on mechanisms of toxicity in humans and animals; Influence of environmental chemicals on drug therapy in humans: studies with contraceptivesteroids; Discussion; General Discussion IIVitamin D metabolism in patients treated with phenytoin and phenobarbitone; Discussion; Chemical disease in humans: problems in comparative toxicology; Discussion; Implications for future studies in humans; Final General Discussion; Index of Contributors; Subject IndexCiba Foundation symposium ;new ser. 76.ToxicologyCongressesDrugsMetabolismCongressesEnzyme inductionCongressesBiotransformation (Metabolism)CongressesToxicologyDrugsMetabolismEnzyme inductionBiotransformation (Metabolism)615.9Symposium on Environmental Chemicals, Enzyme Function, and Human DiseaseMiAaPQMiAaPQMiAaPQBOOK9910144657003321Environmental chemicals, enzyme function, and human disease1963083UNINA